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Reading. Using the framework below, prepare a short presentation of a problem you solved at work

Using the framework below, prepare a short presentation of a problem you solved at work. It can be any kind of problem, big or small. Complete the boxes on the right with brief notes. If you like, prepare simple visual aids based on the information you put in these boxes. Use the language on the left to help you structure your talk, but change it if you need to.

A Ten-Point Presentation Plan
1. Impact opening (choose one) (Ask a question) Have you ever …?How would you..? (Quote some surprising figures) Did you know …? (Quote someone well-known) (Name) once said… (Use a newspaper headline) Have a look at this… 2. Give the background to the problem OK. (Time) ago we were having difficulties with … We couldn’t … And we weren’t … 3. Ask a rhetorical question So, what was going wrong? 4. Describe the problem Well, the problem we were facing… was not … but … 5. Describe its effects Now, obviously, this was having an effect on … as well as… and… 6. Ask another rhetorical question So, how did we deal with the problem? 7. Describe the action you took Well, basically there were three things we had to do… Our first priority was to… The next thing was to… And, finally, we … 8. Ask a third rhetorical question The question is, did it work? 9. Describe the results (perhaps a graph) Have a look at this. Here are the results. As you can see… 10. Close Ok, I’m going to break off in a second and take questions. To sum up, … Thank you. Title     Background 1. 2. 3. Problem   Effects 1. 2. 3.     Action 1. 2. 3.   Results Summary

From In Company Intermediate

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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