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II. The Career Fantasy

Imagine that you have just won a major contest, the right to spend an entire day with someone who has a job that you would love to do—your ideal job. You may spend your day with that person anywhere in the world.

During your day, you will be able to work with your “ideal person” at his or her job. Close your eyes for a minute, breathe deeply, and put yourself in this environment. As you breathe deeply, hold this image in your mind.

Spend about 10 minutes experiencing this vision, fantasizing about it, mentally living it. Then, answer the questions below. Do not talk to anyone until your instructor has told you to do so.

1. Whom would I most like to meet and why? What kind of job does he or she have?

2. What would I enjoy most about doing this type of job?

3. What is there about this type of work that I might not enjoy?

4. What special training would I need to do this job?

5. Could I really get a job like this? Why or why not?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 430 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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