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I. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words and expressions from the previous text

1. You should always (arrive on time) at the interview.

2. Don’t be (worried) at the interview; surely you can cope with stress.

3. (People who give you work) want to hire those having good and bright ideas.

4. Big multinational companies pay attention to (the way you look).

5. Don’t be afraid to (give your own point of view) on some facts.

6. Showing confidence will help you to (get a good attitude) of the interviewer.

7. If you don’t follow this advice, you will (not win the interview).

II. Discuss the following statements with your group mates. Which of the statements in each pair do you think gives the best advice?

Statement 1.

a. You should always wear your best clothes when you go for an interview.

b. Employers nowadays don’t mind what you wear as long as you don’t look a punk.

Statement 2.

a. You should never smoke during an interview.

b. It’s all right to smoke provided that you ask permission first.

Statement 3.

a. There is nothing you can do to stop being nervous-it’s quite normal.

b. If you appear nervous in front of the interviewers, they are more likely to give the job to someone else.

Statement 4.

a. It’s a good idea to agree with an interviewer.

b. If you disagree with the interviewer. She/he will be impressed that you have got your own ideas.

Statement 5.

a. You should find out as much about the job as possible before you go.

b. You will be told about the job when you go for an interview.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 627 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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