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Listen to the Verbal Context and reply in the intervals

In order to fix the High Pre-Head in your mind, ear and speech habits pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.

Listen to a fellow-student reading the replies. Tell him (her) what his (her) errors in pronunciation are.

18. Read the drill sentences according to the given model. Concentrate your attention on the High Pie-Head:

Verbal Context Drill
Do you need any more magazines? That'll do.
I'm afraid I can't do it. As usual.
He is a good writer. He is.
He has left He has what?
I'm going to St. Petersurg tomorrow. To where?
I'm going to the theatre tonight. May I go with you?
Will you be present at the party? Do you want me to?
What shall I do next? Go home.
Jack is still out. Don't worry.
Good morning, Mrs. Brown, Hallo, Mary!
See you presently. So long, old chap.

Give your own replies to the Verbal Context of Ex. 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 18.

This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear and reproduce intonation in different speech situations.

a) Listen to the dialogue "Broadcast Programme" carefully, sentence by sentence. Write it down. Mark the stresses and tunes. The teacher will help you and all the members of the class to correct your variant. Practise reading every sentence of your corrected variant after the cassette-recorder.

B) Record your reaing. Play the recording back immediately for the teacher and your fellow-students to detect your errors. Practise the dialogue for test readiag. Memorize the dialogue and play it with a fellow-student.

c) Make up conversational situations, using the following phrases:

Oh, not too badly.

Personally, I'm not very keen on....

Fortunately for me, it was a....

What kind of... do you like best, then?

With all the practice in ear-training I've had....

I wish I had your gift for....

Where there's a will there's a way, you know.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 409 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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