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Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. consistency content interlinked layout linear navigating ranges search facilities spot usability

consistency content interlinked layout linear navigating ranges search facilities spot usability

One common analogy for a web site is a book. It is made up of pages with the front page usually featuring some sort of (1) … list. The analogy stops here; unlike a book, the pages of a web site are very rarely intended to be read in a (2) … manner. On the contrary, very often every page of a web site is connected or linked to every other within that web site via a system of hyperlinks, menus and (3) …. A web page may also contain links to web pages which form part of another, completely different web site.

Another way of thinking about a web site is a collection of (4) … web pages whose coherence comes from a (5) … of the topics covered by the contents and/or the design of the web pages, most web-sites are built around a particular subject or service.

The design and (6) … of web sites varies dramatically. This (7) … from web sites where the way to find the information you want is immediately obvious to web sites where exploration and discovery are the aim of the designers and little is done to help or guide you. There are no official rules for the design and (8) … of web pages. As you become more experienced in (9) … your way around web sites, you will be able to (10) … which ones are well designed and which ones are not. This will also become a factor in your choice of visiting web sites later.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 564 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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