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Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

browser design HTML hyperlinks links

network-accessible surfing URL web-pages websites

The World Wide Web (the Web or WWW) has been in existence since 1994. it was invented by a man called Tim Berners-Lee and is the part of the Internet where (1) … and their component (2) … are stored and can be accessed. Tim Berners-Lee described the Web as: ‘… the universe of (3) … information, an embodiment of human knowledge,’ which gives an idea of the utopian ideals that the early pioneers of public Internet communication subscribed to. Today, however, the Web seems to be dominated by big business and commercial interests.

When you type a(n) (4) … into your browser the software requests information from the computer hosting the website and web-page you have requested. The web-page is then delivered to your computer in packets of information. This information is coded using a computer language called (5) …. Your (6) … reads the language and resolves it into the words and pictures that make up the web-page you requested.

(7) … are a defining element of the Web and how it works. Move your mouse pointer around a web-page. As it passes over certain words (usually of a different colour than the other text), images and buttons, the pointer becomes a small pointing hand. This identifies the word or button as (7) …. Click on it and you are instructing your browser to access and display another web-page within the website you are already in or a web-page within another completely different website. Hopping from web-pages and websites, following (8) … that attract your interest or tweak your curiosity, is known as (9) ….

The Web is huge and growing everyday. In January 1997 there were something in the region of 700,000 websites. By the middle of 2001, this figure has increased to 31.3 million. Although the Web contains hundreds of millions of items of information in the form of text, pictures, audio and video clips, there is no organization to any of this information beyond the (10) … of individual websites.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1201 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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