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How much do you know about the United Kingdom?

Task 1

Choose the correct answer from the variants listed below.

1. What is the national emblem of Ireland?

a) Clover b) Shamrock c) Leprechaun d) Blarney stone

2. What is the national flower of England? '

a) Dahlia b) Daffodil c) Tulip d) Rose

3. What is the national flower of Wales?

a) Daffodil b) Snowdrop c) Bluebell d) Tulip

4. What is the national emblem of Scotland?

a) Heather b) Rosemary c) Foxglove d) Thistle

5. Which of the following is the capital city of Britain?

a) Maidstone b) London c) Manchester d) Scotland

6. Who is the current monarch?

a) King George b) Queen Elizabeth I

c) Queen Elizabeth II d) Queen Elizabeth III

7. Which of the following is a well-known British food?

a) Frogs legs b) Chicken c) Pasta d) Fish and Chips

8. The highest point in the UK is....

a) Kinder Scout, England b) Snowdon, Wales

c) Ben Nevis, Scotland d) Helvellyn, England

9. Which of the following is not the patron saint of a UK country?

a) St. Harry b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David

10. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?

a) 4 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2

11. The White Cliffs of Dover are made of which rock?

a) Chalk b) Sandstone c) Granite d) Shale

12. This man is a symbol of the British nation. His name is…

a) Uncle Sam b) John Bull c) Winston Churchill d) Tony Blair

13. The capital of Northern Ireland is…

a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast d) Blackpool

14. The British flag is often called…

a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes

c) the Maple Leaf d) the Beaver

15. Ben Nevis is…

a) a famous footballer b) a sort of juice

c) a mountain d) a sort of cheese

16. The national currency of the UK is…

a) the euro b) the dollar c) the pound d) the rouble

17. The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from…

a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland d) England

18. The Beatles started their career in…

a) London b) Liverpool c) Birmingham d) Cardiff

19. The kilt is…

a) a shirt b) a skirt

c) a pair of trousers d) a pair of gloves

20. The colour that represents Ireland is …

a) green b) red c) yellow d) white

21. Stonehenge is about … years old.

a) 40 b)400 c)4000 d)ten

22. The part of the UK which is not presented in the Union Jack is …

a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

23; Which is Scotland's largest city?

a) Dundee b) Inverness c) Glasgow d) Edinburgh

24. How many theaters are there in London?

a) 50-100 b) 100-150 c) over 200 d) 150-200

25. The flag of which country features a dragon?

a) Scotland b) England c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

26. This university town is the location for Harry Potter's Hogwarts Hall.

a) Oxford b) Bristol c)Bath d) Cambridge

27. Who is the patron saint of Scotland?

a) St. Patrick b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David

28. The Boat Race is rowed between which two universities?

a) Cambridge and Durham b) Durham and Bath

c) Oxford and Durham d) Oxford and Cambridge

29. When visiting a house for the first time in the New Year (first footing) it is traditional to carry what in your hand?

a) a cake b) a bottle of whisky

c) a lump of coal d) a piece of cheese

30. With which sport is Wimbledon associated?

a) badminton b) tennis c) rugby d)golf

31. In what part of the UK is haggis traditionally eaten?

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England d) Northern Ireland

32. The Channel Tunnel, linking the UK to the rest of Europe, runs between England and which country?

a) France b) Germany c) Belgium d) Netherlands

33. Where in London is Poet's Corner?

a) St. James's Palace b) St. Paul's Cathedral

c) Westminster Abbey d) Hyde Park

34. When do children go "trick or treating"?

a) July 4th b) April 1st c) November 5th d) October 31st


Complete the sentences.

Part 1. How well do you know...? I

1._________________________and the Strait of Dover separate Great Britain from the continent.

2. The UK lies on two islands, the larger of them is___________________

and the smaller is _____________________________.

3. The climate of the UK depends on_________________________which is

a warm oceanic current.

4. There are many rivers in the country. The most important river is the Thames. The longest river, is_______________________.

5. The UK is a________________________monarchy.

6.________________________is legally the head of the UK.

7. Each Parliamentary session is officially opened by__________________.

8. St. Paul's Cathedral is situated in___________________________.

9. The biggest bell in Britain is, ________________________.

10. Jerome K. Jerome's famous book is ….

Task 3.

How well do you know English traditions? Complete the sentences.

1. English and American people often make_______they are promises for the New Year.

2. In Britain, the day after Christmas is________________.

3. In Scotland the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year's morning.

is " _____________". The Scots believe that if this visitor is a man (or a boy), not a woman, and has dark hair he brings luck to the family for the New Year.

4. The Scottish people call_____________________"Hogmanay".

5. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the_____________________.

Test 4

Choose the correct answer from the variants listed below.

1. The original name of that city was New Amsterdam. Today the city is called …

a) Philadelphia b) New York c) Gettysburg d) Pittsburgh

2. The Mayflower was the ship on which British settlers arrived in North America in 1620. They were …

a) the Puritans b) the Pilgrims c) the settlers of the Virginia Company

3. The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of…

a) San Francisco b) Seattle c) Vancouver

4. The oldest and the youngest US presidents elected were respectively …

a) Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy

b) Ronald Reagan and Theodore Roosevelt

c) George Washington and Bill Clinton

5. The first person tointroduce paper currency in the USA was …

a) George Washington b) Benjamin Franklin c) Thomas Jefferson

6. Which Scottish island is said to be the resting place of St. Columba?

a) Iona b) Colonsay c) Skye d) Eigg

7. What is the British flag popularly known as?

a) Royal Ensign b) Royal Standard c) Union Jack d) St. George

8. Who said "To be born English is to win the lottery of life"?

a) Samuel Johnson b) Queen Victoria

c) Margaret Thatcher d) Cecil Rhodes

9. What is the highest point in England?

a) Hadrian's Wall b) Snowdon c) Scafell Pike d) Ben Nevis

10. What city is England's "steel city"?

a) Leeds b) Sheffield c) Newcastle d) Birmingham

11. What year was the Magna Carta signed by King John at Runnymede?

a) 1215 b) 1915 c) 1512 d) 1216

12. Who gave "The Iron Curtain" its name?

a) Winston Churchill b) Clement Attlee

c) Josef Stalin d) Freddie Truman

13. If a town name ends in "-burgh" it was probably founded as a what?

a) A market town b) A royal manor

c) A cattle trading center d) A fortress town

14. How many wives did Henry VIII have?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 6

15. From which country did pajamas originate?

a) India b) Canada c) Kenya d) Burma

16. Which type of sport has a Three Day Event?

a) Darts b) Athletics c) Horse riding d) Badminton

17. Which English king trained to be a monk?

a) Edward the Martyr b) Alfred the Great

c) William Rufus d) Edward the Confessor

18. Who controls who can display a coat of arms?

a) The House of Lords b) The Monarch

Jc) The College of Heralds d) The Prime Minister

19. What is the name of "007"?

a) Henry Bond b) Thomas Bond

c) James Bond d) William Bond

20. Long straight roads were probably first built by the …

a) Vikings b) Normans c) Romans d) Celts

21. Which English rang was killed by an arrow in the eye?

a) Henry II b) Harold Godwinson

c) Henry I d) Harold Harefoot

22. In cockney rhyming slang, what is a "tea"?

a) car b) book c) chair d) thief

23. How many cups of tea does the average Briton drink each year?

a) 820 b) 1,650 c) 1,180 d) 975

24. Which dreadful plague wiped out about one third of the population of Britain the 1340s?

a) The White Death b) The Blue Death c) The Pink Death d) The Black Death

25. In which year was the Great Fire of London?

a) 1667 b) 1664 c) 1666

26. An effigy of which traitor is burnt on thousands of bonfires on 5th November?

a)Guy Fawkes b) Lord Haw-Haw

c) Perkin Warbeck d) Mata Hari

27. In which year did Mrs. Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister?

a) 1977 b) 1981 c)1982 d) 1979

28. Which English king began the Hundred Years War by invading France and winning the Battle of Crecy in 1346?

a) Edward I b) Edward III c) Edward II d) Edward TV

Test 5


1. How many states are there in the USA?

a) 48 b)50 c)52

2. What is the American flag called?

a) Union Jack

b) Union Flag

c) Stars and Stripes

3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

a) in 1492

b) in 1592

c) in 1692

4. Which of the following is not a US state?

a) Alaska

b) Hawaii

c) Tahiti

5. When is the birthday of the United States celebrated?

a) on December, 25th

b) on July, 4th

c) on March, 8th

6. The Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic Bartholdi and was given to the US by France in 1884 as a symbol of Franco-American riendship. But who was the model for the statue?

a) Bartholdi's wife

b) Bartholdi's mother

c) Bartholdi's daughter

7. Which country is bigger, Canada or America?

a) Canada

b) America

8. The 'Big Apple' is a popular nickname but for what?

a) Los Angeles

b) New York

c) Chicago

9. Your American friends say to you, 'Let's go see a ball game.' What do they mean?

a) volleyball

b) basketball

c) baseball

10. Where in the United States can you find the Golden Gate Bridge?

a) San Francisco

b) San Diego

c) New Orleans

11. The two largest political parties in the US are the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republican Party is traditionally represented by an elephant. What animal represents the Democratic Party?

a) a monkey

b) a donkey

c) a tiger

12. What colour are the taxis in New York?

a) black

b) green

c) yellow

13. The man in the picture is a symbol of the USA. What's his name?

a) Uncle Ben

b) Uncle Tom

c) Uncle Sam

14. What is the New York underground called?

a) the metro

b) the subway

c) the tube

15. How often do American people choose a new President?

a) every four years

b) every five years

c) every 3 years

16. British people call them chips. What do Americans call them?

a) English fries

b) German fries

c) French fries

17. Which University did Bill Gates go to?

a) Harvard University

b) Yale University

c) Columbia University

18. The average American girl has ten Barbie dolls. But when was Barbie created?

a) in 1959 b)in 1979 c) in 1989

19. What do American people call their police officers?

a) bobbies

b) cops

c) dogs

20. The building in the picture is

a) the White House

b) the Capitol

c) the Pentagon


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