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• The Native Americans hunted wild turkeys as early as 1000 AD. The birds were brought to Europe in the 16th century.
• Can you imagine a turkey instead of an eagle on an American dollar bill? That's what Benjamin Franklin was going to do — to make the turkey the symbol of the USA.
• About 270 million turkeys are raised in the US each year, one-sixth of which are eaten on Thanksgiving Day. Some people in America even call Thanksgiving Day Turkey Day.'
The Pilgrims would be amazed to see in how many ways the pumpkin is eaten in the US today. Pumpkins are boiled, grilled and baked. They are put in bread, cakes, pies, doughnuts, pancakes, cookies, ice cream, soup, and even hamburgers!
• The biggest pumpkin was grown in America in 1999. The monster vegetable weighed 513 kg!
• There is a special kind of pumpkin in the USA that is blue!
Thanksgiving- День благодарения Pilgrim- первый колонист settler- колонист, поселенец Plymouth- г. Плимут hunter- охотник to fire a gun -стрелять из ружья to share- делиться corn -кукуруза beans- бобы, фасоль pumpkin- тыква harvest- урожай to put away -откладывать, запасать to cure- заготавливать, коптить event- событие turkey- индейка | gravy- подливка (из сока жаркого) cranberry sauce- клюквенный соус mashed potatoes -картофельное пюре dessert-десерт, сладкое pumpkin pie -тыквенный пирог whipped cream- взбитые сливки huge- огромный, громадный parade- парад eagle-орел doughnut -пончик pancake-блин cookie– печенье to weigh- весить |
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