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Washington and Lord Fairfax

Washington at fifteen was large for his age. He had broad shoulders and strong arms. His eyes were blue-grey, his hair brown, and his expression shy. He was much quieter than most teenagers. At the age when boys today are think only about playing football or basketball, he was almost a grown man in his ways of acting and thinking.

His brother Lawrence lived at the Mount Vernon estate on the Potomac River. George spent most of his time there. The estate next to Mount Vernon belonged to Lord Fairfax, an Englishman. Nearly one-fifth of the colony of Virginia had been given to the Fairfax's cousin William, who managed the estate and lived there with his family. His daughter Anne had married Lawrence Washington. His son George William was a good friend of George Washington's.

George Washington often visited at the Fairfax home. His best friend there was Lord Fairfax, a stately gentleman of nearly sixty. Lord Fairfax had spent the greater part of his life among the most famous people in England. Ha had come to see his Virginia lands and to visit his cousin. The great wilderness, the hunting, the free outdoor life pleased Lord Fairfax so much that he stayed in Virginia. He liked the sturdy Washington boy with his good manners and his sensible talk, and often went hunting with him. Lord Fairfax's friendship for him led to George Washington's becoming a famous man.


in his ways of acting and thinking — по своим поступкам к рассуждениям

The estate next to Mount Vernon — Поместье, соседнее с Маунт-Верноном

often visited at the Fairfax home — часто гостил в доме Фэрфаксов

stately — величественный

sturdy — сильный, здоровый


1. Переведите на русский язык:

His hair brown, his expression, much quieter than most teenagers, a grown man, the Mount Vernon, the Potomac River, nearly one-fifth of the colony of Virginia.

2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие следующие словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:

The great wilderness, often visited at the Fairfax home, in his ways of acting and thinking, with his good manners, Lord Fairfax's friendship.

3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

His eyes were blue-grey, his hair brown, his expression shy, lived there with his family, a good fiend of.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where did Lord Fairfax live?

2. In what way were the Washingtons related to Lord Fairfax?

3. Why did Lord Fairfax like George Washington?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 709 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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