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The struggle begins

By the end of the 17th century New France extended from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains. About 12,000 colonists lived there. The population of the neighbouring English colonies was at least ten times greater, but the English colonies covered only a narrow strip of land bordering the Atlantic Ocean. These disproportions led to colonial conflicts.

England, France and Spain were the three European powers that planted the largest number of colonies in America. So the mastery of the North America resulted in a struggle between these countries. They struggled for domination both in Europe and in America. From 1688 to 1763, there were four wars fought in Europe. All of them influenced the live of American colonies.

All the North American wars were the result of the worldwide maritime and colonial rivalry between Great Britain and France. Each of the wars fought in North America corresponded to a war fought between the same countries in Europe. Thus, the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697) fought in Europe became King William's War (1689-1697) in America, and the European War of Spanish Succession (1701—1713) led to Queen Anne's War (1702-1713) in America.

None of the European countries had regular troops in America then. The English settlers tried to capture a part of the New France territory, while the French colonists supported by their Indian allies tried to attack English villages and towns bordering New France. In the South, the English had to struggle with the Spanish, as Spain was allied with France. In 1710 British colonists supported by British ships, conquered Acadia, but in 1711 the British military expedition against Quebec and Montreal failed.

The war was ended in 1713 by the Peace of Utrecht, which also brought to a close the War of the Spanish Succession. By terms of this treaty England got some of the French territories: Acadia, Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay territory. These lands became parts of the British colonial empire. Acadia was renamed Nova Scotia (New Scotland).

The third war known as King George's War (1744— 1748) in America was merged with the War of Austrian Succession in Europe. Again the British had to fight against the French allied with the Spanish. The New Englanders were victorious from the very beginning. They invaded New France and captured the fortress of Louisbourg that had been reputed impregnable. It was a very important victory, as the fortress commanded approaches to the St. Lawrence River.

In 1748 the peace treaty was signed. By its terms Louisbourg was handed back to the French. The New Englanders were outraged. They considered the treaty to be a great failure of the British diplomacy. The people in the British colonies felt betrayed by the king and his ministers. Their military efforts were lost for nothing.

Georgia was the last of the thirteen English colonies to be planted in America. It was founded in 1733. The territory was named in honour of King George II of England.

Georgia was launched by a great British philanthropist, General James Oglethorpe. Oglethorpe had visited some English prisons where people were put for debts. He saw hundreds of debtors suffering there from cold and hunger. It was always damp and dark in their cells, and many prisoners fell sick or even died there.

James Oglethorpe decided to struggle for prison reform after one of his friends had died in a debtor's jail. He thought that a debtor could not liberate himself, as he could not earn money while being imprisoned. Oglethorpe wanted to launch a colony in America, where the prisoners could be sent to get a new start in life.

Some of highly-minded noblemen liked his idea and formed a colonizing company with Oglethorpe. They asked the king to grant them a piece of land west and south of the Savannah River.

The first settlers came to Georgia in 1733. The king gave money for taking them to America on board the ship "Anne". The first settlement they founded in Georgia was named Savannah.

The land along the Atlantic coast of Georgia was swampy. It was suitable for rice raising. Georgia abandoned in mulberry trees, and Oglethorpe decided to raise silkworms there. The colonists were taught to weave silk.

Oglethorpe governed the colony. He made the settlers work hard. No slaves were allowed in Georgia. Each of the colonists possessed a small farm and was to work in the fields from dawn till dark.

The governor made friends with the local Native Americans, and they supplied the settlers with meat and honey. The Georgians and the Indians lived peacefully side by side for many years.

However, the Spaniards were eager to drive the English out of Georgia. They thought its territory to be theirs. Oglethorpe was an able military leader, and he repelled all the Spanish attacks.

Having spent ten years in Georgia, Oglethorpe went back to England. Soon after his departure the life of the colony changed. Slaves were brought in, small farms ceased to exist, and large plantations were started instead.

Oglethorpe was much grieved to know his noble plan had failed. He gave back the royal charter for governing the colony, and in 1752 Georgia got a governor appointed by the king.

Georgia developed very slowly, and was the least populous of the British colonies. But all the same it was very important for Britain, as it protected the prosperous Carolinas from Spaniards living in Florida.


from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains —от Аппалачей до Скалистых гор

at least ten times greater — по крайней мере, в десять раз больше

covered a narrow strip of land bordering the Atlantic Ocean — занимали узкую полосу земли вдоль Атлантического океана

power — держава

So the mastery of the North America resulted in a struggle between these countries. — Так освоение Северной Америки привело к борьбе между этими странами

the worldwide maritime and colonial rivalry between Great Britain and France — морское и колониальное соперничество между Великобританией и Францией, развернувшееся по все­му миру

The War of the League of Augsburg — война Аугсбургской лиги (1688-1697)

King William's War — война короля Вильгельма (1689-1697)

the War of Spanish Succession — война за Испанское на­следство (1701-1713)

Queen Anne's War — война королевы Анны (1702—1713)

None of the European countries had regular troops in America then. — Тогда ни у одной европейской страны не было регулярных войск в Америке

Acadia — Акадия

the Peace of Utrecht — Утрехтский мир

By terms of this treaty — По условиям этого договора

colonial empire — колониальные владения

invaded New France and captured the fortress of Louisbourg that had been reputed impregnable — вторглись в Новую Фран­цию и взяли крепость Луисбург, которая считалась неприс­тупной

to hand back — передавать обратно, возвращать

They considered the treaty to be a great failure of the British diplomacy. — Они считали договор великим провалом бри­танской дипломатии

felt betrayed — чувствовали себя преданными

military efforts were lost for nothing — военные усилия пропали даром


1. Переведите на русский язык:

By the end of the 17th century, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, all the North American wars, King George's War, English colonies, the Spaniards, highly-minded noblemen.

2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие следующие словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:

By terms of this treaty, Acadia, The War of the League of Augsburg, the Peace of Utrecht, colonial empire, military efforts.

3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

The war was ended, the British colonial empire, the third war known as, the first settlers, the colonists, their military efforts, none of the European countries.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What disproportions led to conflicts between the French and English colonies in the New World?

2. What countries planted the largest number of colonies in America?

3. Did these countries struggle for domination in Europe or in America?

4. What lands did Britain get by the terms of the Peace of Utrecht?

5. What outraged the New Englanders in 1748?

6. Why were they so much displeased by the British diplomacy?

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