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Фразовые глаголы

To get

To get on Сесть на велосипед, поезд, автобус и т.д. The boy got on his bike and rode away.
To get off Сойти с поезда и т.д. We got off the train in London.
To get along Уживаться, ладить с кем-то My dog and my cat get along with each other.
To get out Выйти наружу Get out of the room now.
To get up Подниматься с постели What time do you get up?
To get away Удрать, исчезнуть, сбежать The thieves got away with our money.
To get over Справиться с чем-то, преодолеть He can’t get over his illness yet.
To get down to work/ business Приняться за работу, за дело It’s eleven o’clock. It’s time to get down to work.

To turn

To turn around Повернуться, Обернуться Walk along the road and don’ t turn around
To turn out Оказаться It turned out that the children liked the idea of going on a trip. The comedy turned out to be very funny.
To turn over Перевернуться Turn the pancake over, please: I smell it burning.
To turn up Появиться, очутиться Soon after the bell he turned up in the doorway of our classroom.
To turn into Превратиться In the winter, the water turned into ice.
To turn inside out Вывернуть наизнанку He turned his sweater inside out to show me the labels.
To turn upside down Перевернуть вверх ногами She turned her room upside down looking for her watch.
To turn up To turn down To turn on To turn off Сделать громче Сделать тише Включить/ выключить Please, turn off the radio or at least turn it down: I’m trying to sleep. Turn up the television, I can’t hear anything. Turn off the light.

To rush

To rush at Наброситься, накинуться на к-л As soon as he came to the office he rushed at his work: he knows there was no time to lose.
To rush in/ into Торопливо войти, ворваться The fireman rushed into the burning building to save the child.
To rush out/ off Торопливо выйти, уйти прочь Why did he rush out of the room without saying goodbye?
To rush to Броситься, спешно отправиться We all rushed to the door when the postman arrived. I’m afraid we’ll have to rush the baby to the doctor, his temperature is too high.

To run

To run away/ off Убегать, удрать Don’t run away and leave me alone. When I give him the news, he ran off at once.
To run down Останавливаться (о механизмах, часах), говорить с пренебрежением The clock has run down and will stop if not wound. He is always running down his sister.
To run in Заглянуть, забежать, заехать Run in and see me this evening.
To run out заканчиваться, иссякать The cage was open and the monkey ran out. The money is running out.
To run over Переехать, задавить Перелиться через край, убежать Don’t run over the dog! A small kitten was run over by the train. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water ran over (the sink).

To set

To set about (doing) Приняться за что-то, начать что-то делать They set about their work at 9. He set about writing a letter to his son. I don’t know how to set about it.
To set smb to smth/ to do smth Заставить кого-либо приняться за дело Mother set John to work. Who did you set to do this?
To set out/ off Помещать, выставлять Отправляться (в путешествие, экспедицию) The milk can was set out. They set out vegetables for sale. They set out /off on their journey late in the afternoon. Bob set out early the next morning.

To do

To do away with smth Покончить с чем – то The government has done away with the old law.
To do out Вычистить, хорошенько убрать I’ll do out the living room.
To do up Застегиваться Прихорашиваться Do up your coat, it’s cold. Janie did herself up for the party.
To do with Хотеть, нуждаться I could do with a sandwich, I’m hungry.

To look

To look at Смотреть на Don’t look at me like that!
To look after Присматривать She looked after her little brother.
To look in Навещать, заходить I’ll look in on my way home.
To look up Искать, посмотреть что-либо He looked up the word in the dictionary.
To look out Осторожно  
To look for искать He is looking for a job.

To put

To put off to put aside Откладывать The meeting was put off till Friday.
To put on Надевать He put on his warm coat.
To put away Убирать She washed the dishes and put them away.
To put down Записывать Put down his name and address.
To put out Тушить He put out the candle.
To put up with мириться He couldn’t put up with it any longer.
To put through соединять Put me through to the manager, please.

To come

To come across Случайно встретить, натолкнуться на что-либо I’ve just come across a beautiful poem in this book.
To come along Пойти с кем-нибудь Come along!
To come back Возвращаться What time will he come back?
To come off Отлететь, оторваться This button has come off my coat.
To come on Пойдем! Come on!
To come down Спускаться Wait till she comes down.

To find

To find fault with s.o. or smth Придираться  
To find oneself Найти свой талант Очутиться, оказаться They found themselves far from home.
To find out Выяснить, обнаружить He couldn’t find out what they were doing.

To give

To give away Отдавать, дарить, раздавать She gave away all her toys.
To give out Раздавать (учебники) Give out the homework exercise books.
To give in Уступать After a long argument he finally gave in.
To give up Отказаться The doctor told him to give up smoking.

To go

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 5853 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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