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9. In groups of 2-3, review some of the English textbooks used in Ukrainian schools. Focus on the following parameters:

- the target set by the authors, the level, the general layout;

- the dominating method (approach);

- what aspects of the language are given priority;

- types of activites and tasks;

- the reading matter used;

- motivation;

- the use of the native language;

- self-sufficiency of the book, convenience for teachers


Choose a unit from some school textbook and plan a lesson on it.Present your lesson plan in class.


Test 1

Decide whether the following sentences are correct or incorrect grammatically.

1. Jane asked me if I would tell her the truth.

2. She shouldn't have broken that glass.

3. According to me, Jack is not very clever.

4. They can have opened the window.

5. But I did do my homework!

6. Where is the book what I got for my birthday?

7. All I can do is to call the police.

8. We were to have tea here.

9. I don't like tea, too.

10. Jane suggested to go to the theatre.

11. My mother who is a librarian works a lot.

12. Would you rather I did it?

13. Try as he might, he won't find it.

14. I was waiting for you but you never came.

15. Walking in the garden it began to rain.

16. We have bought a sixth packet.

17. She is a most energetic woman.

18. Tom suggested that Mary go to university.

19. Never have I seen such a beautiful girl.

20. Would you mind to tell me your name please?

Test 2

Fill the blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

It was the day of my grandmother’s birthday when the sitting-room ceiling fell down. All the family were there, at my Uncle Philip’s house, _____ was a large, old building situated in a small, peaceful village north-west _____ Oxford. We _____ already finished lunch and, as _____ was such a beautiful afternoon, we were all outside _____ the garden, drinking coffee and catching _____ on all the family news. Grandmother, _____ was rather deaf, was, _____ usual, telling stories about her childhood in Manchester, _____ in the sunshine, laughing children and barking dogs chased each _____ around.

Suddenly, _____ was a tremendous crash. We all looked round in astonishment, wondering what on earth had _____. Uncle Philip and my father ran into the house, and then my sister and I _____. There, the most extraordinary sight met our eyes. The sitting-room was _____ ruins and the air was thick with dust. Uncle Philip _____ standing in the _____ of the room, holding Tabatha, his cat, who looked terrified. “It’s _____ of the problems of living in a house as old _____ this”, he explained calmly. Meanwhile, outside, Grandmother asked _____ more coffee and enquired when the cake _____ be cut.

Test 3

Correct grammar mistakes in the following sentences:

1. She lets her children to stay up very late.

2. I suggested her to go home.

3. If I got rich I’ll travel round the world.

4. She’s nice to talk to her.

5. Could I use your phone? – Of course you could.

6. If you worked harder last year you would probably have passed your exam.

7. Have you often to speak French in your job?

8. Must we do everything in writing? – No, we must not. It’s not necessary.

9. The teacher made me to apologise.

10. I saw Jane to leave the house.

11. I wish you came earlier yesterday.

12. The story was boring. She must told it several times.

13. When I got up this morning everything was lovely. The sun shone, the birds sang.

14. What did you do at 7 yesterday?

15. I picked up a cake and bit a piece off to see how it was tasting.

16. I could see from his face that he received bad news.

17. She didn’t arrive yet.

Test 4

Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter from a teacher replying to an invitation.

EXAMPLE: I be very surprised / receive / letter / you this morning.

ANSWER: I was very surprised to receive a letter from you this morning.

Dear Mr.Harris

I be very pleased / meet you / teachers’ conference / London last year.



It be kind / you / invite me / come and see you while I be / England / this summer.



I hope / pay a visit / your school / 26th and 27th June if / not be inconvenient.



Please / not rearrange / programme / me.



I be very happy / fit in / whatever you / do at that time.



I like / stay overnight / 26th June and hope / arrange accommodation / me.



I telephone you once / reach London / confirm / exact time / arrival / school.



I look forward / meet / again.


Yours sincerely

Test 5

Make all necessary corrections in the following passage.

The Joseph Turner lived in 19 century. He was a famous England painter. His paintings was a great success. He was fonded of dogs. Once day his dog whom he loved very much breaked a leg. Artist was very sorry for a dog and wanted it to be well again. He was enough rich to sent for best surgeon in London instead to take a veterinary. The surgeon arrived and asked a famous painter what was the matter. Joseph Turner realized that the famous surgeon might got offended if he learnt that his patient was dog. So he decided praise the surgeon. He said the surgeon that he was a great doctor and asked him help his dog because it was very important for him. The surgeon felt annoying but not showed it. He treated the dog careful and soon it was quiet good. The next week The surgeon asked the Turner come to his place. Painter arrived at the appointed time and was show into the sitting-room. The surgeon had met him very warm and said “I’m so glad you has come. My door needs to paint. I know you are too great a painter for this work, but I beg you do it. It is so important for me”.    

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 677 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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