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On the basis of your knowledge of methodology single out the advantages and characteristic features of the communicative method

Comment on the contrast between the traditional and the communicative approaches as shown in the following paragraphs from the article “A few words on the communicative method in Ukraine” by K.Anderson (“Teach and Learn” I, 1998):

Traditionally… the teaching of English and other foreign languages was a mixture of rote grammar memorization, reading, writing and of course, translation. Speaking and listening exercised through drills and artificial dialogs were not generally emphasized. Speaking to communicate was not necessarily the primary goal of the language class but rather a means to practise and improve proper pronunciation and intonation of words and sentences…

The communicative approach seeks to make language learning more “real” for the students by teaching them practical application of the language itself. In other words, it emphasizes language use and communication over language knowledge, rules of grammar and rote memorization. Traditional classroom activities such as teacher centered grammar drills give way to realistic dialogs and small group work (with students helping each other) in the communicative classroom.

By using the communicative approach in English language courses students gain valuable experience in using the English language in a practical, realistic setting. Another important dimension of the communicative approach is the creative aspect of student’s contribution.

7. With the shift from traditional to communicative approach, what changes in the role of the teacher in class?

Explain the difference between “teacher-centred” and “student-centred” classrooms.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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