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C) I would switch over to my favourite programme on another channal

5. There is a big demonstration in your town to stop a nuclear power station being built. If you had arranged to go to the cinema with your friends on the same day as the demonstration, what would you do?

A) I would go on the demonstration and arrange to go to the cinema another day.

B) I would go to the cinema.

C) I would go on the demonstration if my friends were going too.

6. There is too much traffic in your town. There are plans to build a new road to reduce the traffic in the town. However, the new road will destroy an area of natural beauty. What do you think people should do about it?

A) They should sign a petition against the new road.

B) They should be happy about the road because it will make the town a safer place.

C) They should go and lie in front of the machines in order to stopthe road being built.

7. It's National "Get on You Bike" Day, when people are supposed to use their bicycles instead of their cars. If your mum and dad refused to take part, what would you do?

A) I would be very angry widi them.

b) I would hide their car keys so they couldn't use the car.

c) I would agree that "Get on You Bike" Day is a stupid idea and my parents need to use the car.

8. You are going to the forest for the day. What would you like to do there?

A) I would like to observe animals and plants in the forest.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 424 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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