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Exercise 8. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following expressions. Find them in the text and compose your own sentences with these expressions

Adjacent atmosphere, entire hydrosphere, according to, ecological community, ultimately, survival, nutrition, conceptual thought, exploitation of natural resources, creation, common way, population, inorganic compounds, consumer, biological productivity.

Exercise 9. Write out verb forms except the verb to be and define their tense and voice forms, give the Infinitive.

Example: was given - Past Simple, Passive Voice - to be given.

Exercise 10. Define the tense of the predicate and make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. The quantity of organic matter or its equivalent in dry matter is known as biological productivity. 2. The biosphere is an earth's envelope - complex in composition, construction and organization. 3. The biosphere includes all living organisms, biogenous, inert and bioinert substances.

Exercise 11. Underline the subject and the predicate of the sentences and put possible questions to all members of the sentence.

The biosphere includes all living organisms interacting with the physical environment of the Earth and living in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere. 2. The autotrophs and hemotrophes producing an organic substance from inorganic compounds are termed producers. 3. The living organisms in the biosphere can be studied at the levels of populations and eco-systems.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using the words:

powerful, the structure, feeding, goals, the history, substance, the levels, changes, an ecological community, activity of mankind, radically, complex 26

1. Consumers are organisms feeding on an organic... and transforming it into new forms. 2. The organisms... on ready organic substances are called heterotrophic organisms. 3. The living organisms in the biosphere can be studied at... of populations and ecosystems. 4. Ecology is the study of... and function of nature. 5. The main... of modem ecology include study of anthropogenic... in the man's environment. 6. The living matter changes... of all chemical elements and acts as a deep,... geological process. 7. As a result of the technogenic..., the biosphere of the Earth is... transformed. 8. The biosphere is the... of physical, chemical, and biotic factors that act upon an organism or... and ultimately determine its form and survival.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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