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Exercise 8. Make up as many questions to the following sentences as possible

I. Now graduates of the National Aviation University head airlines, factories, design bureaus, and educational institutions. 2. Leading experts of airlines and industrial enterprises are involved in the training process. 3. The university's sports centre provides excellent opportunities for sports activities. 4. All the teams of our university in various kinds of sports participate actively in city and national competitions.

Exercise 9. Read information about the institute you've chosen and advertise it for those willing to enter the institute.

The Institute of Ecological Safety

The Institute of Ecological Safety trains about 2000 students. The team of teachers includes specialists from 13 departments. Among them there are 50 professors, doctors of science and 90 candidates of science. Students are pursuing their degrees in 11 majors.

The Institute was formed on the bases of some departments of the Faculty of Airports and the Faculty of Environmental Protection, during its reorganization in 2010. Now it is one of the leading institutes at the university. The institute laboratories are equipped with hi-fi technologies providing great possibilities for scientific research.

Students study four fields. The first of them is Chemical technology and engineering (majors: Chemical technology of fuels and carbon materials; Chemical technology of poly mers). Oil and its products are very important as the main resources for energetic safety of any society, both today and in the future. Discovering new methods for producing polymers and on their base the creating of new polymer materials and compositional polymer materials together with precise working out their technology is one of the goals of modern chemical engineering.

The second field is Biotechnology (majors: Ecological biotechnology; Biotechnology of biologically active substances). Modern biotechnology helps a lot in providing the humanity with food, medicines, and the means for fighting the harmful consequences of transformation of environment.

The third one is Ecology (major: Ecology and environment protection). Active human activity has become a reason for transformation of environment. Today the changes in nature have gained the status of those threatening the future existence of the mankind and are assisted by many ecological crises. The experts of this field have enough knowledge to solve these problems.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 570 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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