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Text 1. The National Aviation University

The National Aviation University (NAU) is one of the largest aviation higher educational establishments in the world. Dozens of thou­sands of specialists working both in Ukraine and more than 100 other countries were trained there. Among them there are well-known scientists, industry leaders, state and military figures. They are at the head of airlines, factories and design bureaus, various organizations and services, without which neither aviation nor other sectors of economy can function successfully. At present the university provides training to 26 thousand students including foreign students from 40 countries of the world. Scientific and pedagogical schools established at the university make it possible to train not engineering specialists only, but economists, lawyers, environmentalists, translators, psychologists, sociologists as well.

The university dates back to August 1933, when the Aviation Faculty separated from Kyiv Polytechnical Institute and Kyiv institute of Civil Air Fleet emerged. During the years of its existence this educational institution has become a real cradle of aviation specialists, having trained thousands of aviation specialists for both Ukraine and other countries of the world. Many graduates continue working at their native university, adding to its glory. At present the university is led by N.Kulick, a doctor of engineering sciences, a professor.

Because of the national and international recognition of the university's achievements and its great contribution to the development of national higher education and science, the university was awarded the status of National Higher Educational Institution by the Decree of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma in September 2000.

The university contains fourteen institutes. They are: the Aerospace Institute, the Institute of the Humanities, the Institute of Electronics and Control Systems, the Institute of Computer Technologies, the Institute of information-Diagnostic Systems, the Institute of Air and Space Law, the Institute of Management and Economics, Land Use and Information Technologies Institute and the Institute of Ecological Safety etc.

The other six institutes are: the ICAO institute, the Institute of New Technologies, Kyiv Institute of Management and Information Technologies, the Institute of Extramural and Distant Training, the Institute of Post-Graduate Training, and the Institute of Pre-Higher School

Training. There are two faculties that do not belong to any institute. They are: the Foreign Students Faculty and the Faculty of Military Training.

Teaching at the university is performed by a highly skilled scientific and pedagogical team including 9 academicians, 12 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 32 academi­cians of academies of special sciences, 185 doctors of science, professors, about 600 candidates of science and assistant professors. Leading experts of airlines and industrial enterprises are involved in the training process. The teaching staff includes 18 winners of state prizes, 17 merited workers of science and engineering of Ukraine.

Planes and helicopters, 42 aviation engines, 3 complex flight simulators, 240 on-board systems, modeling stands and about 1600 modern computers are used in the training process. The scientific and technical library has about 2.5 million books. The university has a training aerodrome, unique hangar, radio equipment, aerodynamic and training complexes.

The life of our students is very interesting. Profound knowledge obtained during lectures and practical training gives them an opportunity to participate in scientific conferences and competitions where they show excellent results. Many students receive rector's grants and other prizes as awards for their achievements in studies and active participation in the social life of the university.

The university sports centre provides excellent opportunities for sports activities. All the teams of our university in various kinds of sports participate actively in city and national competitions and have been many time winners. A yachting, an aircraft modelling, and a hang-gliding clubs are in great favour with the university staff and students.

The motto of the National Aviation University that to considerable extent reflects its life and activities is: VIVERE! V1NCERE! CREARE! - LIVE! WIN! CREATE!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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