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Focus on Grammar. Exercise 15. Translate the sentences with Modal verbs into Russian

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences with Modal verbs into Russian.

1. Customs must apply a wide variety of controls in the fast moving goods environment of today.

2. Customs control must be quick, effective and based on modern risk management techniques.

3. The full use of modern technology should be applied at the Customs.

4. Special rules had to be introduced in order to organize controls on baggage coming from or going to other countries.

5. All the notes and coins can be used in all EU countries that have adopted the euro.

6. Smuggled goods had to be dropped off in remote coves.

7. Ships bound for London could be searched.

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences with the Passives into Russian.

1. To collect duties, a permanent Customs staff was established and almost immediately the first smugglers appeared.

2. As the years passed, the economic needs of monarchs increased and duties were accordingly raised or extended to other commodities.

3. Most of the smuggling trade in the world is now carried on by people in such great numbers, armed and disguised, that the officers can’t often oppose them.

4. Tea cases were fitted between the vessel’s timbers and were made to resemble the floors of the ship.

5. Tea could be hidden under the cape or petticoat trouser worn by the fishermen and pilots of the vessels.

6. Whole series of measures were taken to increase the numbers of those employed in the prevention of smuggling.

7. Naval vessels and troops of soldiers were also drafted in to aid the struggle.

8. Inspecting officers and riding officers were appointed and combined operations were arranged to fight against smuggling.

Exercise 17. Complete the sentences using must or can’t and one of the verbs from the box.

belong come spend have like live want remember

1. Jane has an incredible number of compact discs. She _____ music a lot.

2. Peter doesn’t speak German, so he ___________________ from Germany.

3. This jacket ________ to Janet because it’s not her size.

4. That man ________ around here because he doesn’t know any of the street names.

5. Jack ________ a lot of clothes. He wears something different every day.

6. Sam’s grandmother is over eighty years old, so she ___________ the Second World War.

7. You’ve got ten cats already. You ________ to get another one.

8. Susan buys a new dress every day. She __________ a lot of money on clothes.

Exercise 18. Make these sentences negative.

1. They have to go now.

2. Mark must speak to the agent.

3. You have to drive slowly here.

4. Alice has to get up early.

5. The travellers must arrive at the airport earlier.

6. Mike has to phone his brother.

Exercise 19. Complete the sentences using the necessary Modal verbs.

1. Ted’s flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He __________ be exhausted after such a long flight. He ___________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. You ____________ submit the application if it has not been completely filled in. If the form is not accurate and complete, you will be rejected and you will _________ reapply at a later date.

3. I completely forgot we were supposed to pick Jenny up at the airport.

She __________ still be sitting there waiting for us.

4. Debbie said she had been really busy this week, but I think she _________ show up at the party if she doesn’t have to work overtime on Friday.

5. These instructions are difficult to follow. They ___________to explain things better.

6. She’s been revising ten hours a day for three weeks. She ________ be exhausted.

7. Nobody’s answering. They __________ be out.

8. He __________ be from the Great Britain. He doesn’t speak English.

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Я думаю, он не сумеет оформить визу в недельный срок.

2. Вы не сможете пронести такое количество ручной клади в салон самолета.

3. Ему не разрешают пользоваться таким дорогим оборудованием.

4. Им удалось избежать объяснений с руководством.

5. Эти бумаги очень ценные. Вы не должны их потерять.

6. Нам не пришлось проходить таможенные формальности.

7. Грабителям удалось быстро проникнуть в офис.

8. Встреча бизнесменов должна быть назначена на завтра.

9. Контрабандистам не удастся обмануть опытного таможенного инспектора.

10. Поезд должен прибыть по расписанию.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 756 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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