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Drug Smuggling Submarines

1. It seems drug smugglers are always coming up with new and innovative ways to get their drugs onto U.S streets. Well, here’s the latest, it’s a drug smuggling submarine.

2. In 2006 and 2007 a new method of smuggling emerged, surface skimming, semi-submersible, home-made submarines were captured from Thailand to Spain and further to Colombia. In 2008 the number detected has already reached the 2007 count. This craft often had sophisticated electronics for evading capture.

3. Security at an airport in Stockholm watched a woman continually adjusting her top until they decided to investigate. As it happens, she had filled her bra with 65 snakes and also managed to find room for 7 lizards under her shirt as well. Officials claim they noticed “something unusual” about her chest.

4. Surprisingly, next to drugs, animal smuggling is one of the biggest draws for people trying to pull one over on airport security. Some people are just hardcore nature lovers or hard up for cash.

A 23-year-old Australian was stopped coming into the country from Dubai when it was found he had a package of eggs on him, which was a little odd and certainly against the rules. A further search revealed a money belt around his waist full of seeds. Likely at this point someone raised an eyebrow and decided to investigate further. What they found was that, under his pants, he was wearing tights with a pigeon jammed in each leg.

5. Some smugglers are really dedicated to what they do and go that extra mile to commit their crimes.

A Chilean man on his way to Barcelona aroused some suspicion from security personnel who took a keen interest in the cast on his broken leg. As it turned out, some silly doctor had forgotten to use plaster and actually made the cast out of cocaine instead. The man actually did have a broken leg, one that officials are fairly certain he broke on purpose, just to have the cocaine cast put on. The man has true love for the game.

Exercise 13. Give the English equivalents to the following:

новый способ контрабанды; самодельные подводные лодки; плавное движение (скольжение); погруженный в воду наполовину; судно; сложное электронное оборудование; поправлять топ; контрабанда животных; приманка, соблазн; ‘протащить’ через систему безопасности аэропорта; ‘любители’ природы; нуждаться, не иметь средств (наличных); брюки; обыск (досмотр); пояс с деньгами (монетами) вокруг талии; поднять бровь от изумления; продолжить обыск (расследование); совершить преступление; возбудить подозрение; креативный / творческий; сломанная нога в гипсе; использовать кокаин вместо гипса.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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