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Border Technologies

Customs use a wide range of technology, such as X-rays and ion scans, which detect tiny traces of certain elements, in protecting against terrorism and the movement of illicit drugs and prohibited imports.

Border technologies include any equipment that aids the detection, search, examination or surveillance of ships, aircraft, goods or persons entering or departing Russia.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What role do Customs play in protecting Russia’s borders?

2. What items can be potentially harmful to the community?

3. What is the potential power of technologies at the Customs?

Exercise 6. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word- combinations:

inter-agency cooperation; the whole-of-government approach; potential threats; first-port boarding rates; a wide range of technology; border technologies; the legitimate movement; x-rays and ion scans.

Exercise 7. Scan the text above and match verbs to nouns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Russian.

to secure a) a wide range of technology
to focus on b) the detection, search, examination or surveillance of ships
to detect c) a vital role in protecting our borders
to play d) our country from potential terrorist threats
to use e) intercepting illicit drugs
to aid f) tiny traces of certain elements

Exercise 8. Supply the missing words and word-combinations.

1. Customs remain focused on ___________ and other items potentially harmful to the community.

2. Customs play an important role in protecting Russia’s borders from ___________ and unauthorized people.

3. Border technologies include any equipment that aids the detection, search ____________entering or departing Russia.

4. Cargo intervention, ___________ are at an all-time high.

5. Customs use ___________ in protecting against terrorism and the movement of illicit drugs and prohibited imports.

Exercise 9. Read Text 2 to match left and right.

1) an X-ray security scanner a) спрятанное оружие или взрывчатые вещества
2) a black-and-white image b) тактильный (контактный) досмотр
3) a physical search c) на отдаленном расстоянии
4) concealed weapons or explosives d) черно-белый снимок
5) a ‘pat-down’ check e) рентгеновский сканер для досмотра пассажиров
6) in a remote location f) личный досмотр

Text 2

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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