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Canine Enforcement at Rostov Customs

Canine enforcement is one of the highest priorities for Customs officers.

Dogs can be trained to detect not only narcotics but firearms, ammunition and explosives.

Drug detector dogs are like X-ray machines, fiber-optic camera devices – they are a tool that extends the ability of the Customs control officer in the workplace.

The first handlers with canine detectors appeared at Rostov Customs in 1997. Drug detection work at Rostov Customs is considered to be one of the best in the system of the Federal Customs Service. There are two types of detector dogs at Rostov Customs:

- multi-scented, trained to detect drugs (17 canine units): cannabis, marijuana, heroin, amphetamine and some others;

- 3 canine units are trained to detect firearms, ammunition and explosives but not drugs.

The handlers are trained to interpret the dog’s behaviour or “indications” when they are confronted with the presence of drugs.

There are various dog breeds at Rostov Customs: Rottweilers, Spaniels, Labradors and Alsatians. The veteran of the Customs Service Rottweiler Greta worked since 1997 and found out 130 kg of narcotics.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions:

1. When did Rostov Customs first experiment with dogs to sniff out drugs?

2. What are the main breeds selected for drug detection work?

3. How many operational drug dog teams does Rostov Customs have?

4. What kinds of drugs are the dogs trained to detect?

Exercise 13. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word-combinations:

one of the highest priorities; canine detectors; in the workplace; canine units; fiber-optic camera devices; explosives; dog breeds; canine enforcement; a tool; firearms; to detect drugs; multi-scented dogs.

Exercise 14. Match left and right. Translate into Russian.

1) to interpret a) with the presence of drugs
2) to extend b) at Rostov Customs
3) to be confronted c) the ability of the Customs control officer in the workplace
4) to detect d) the dog’s behaviour
5) to appear e) firearms, ammunition and explosives

Exercise 15. Make up sentences with the following word-combinations:specially trained dogs; sniffer dogs; detector dogs; canine units, dog teams; dog breeds; handlers; multi-scented dogs.

Exercise 16. Read Text 4 to speak on Rostov Airport Customs.

Text 4

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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