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Word Study. Exercise 3.Give the Russian equivalents for

Exercise 3. Give the Russian equivalents for:

fiscal aspects, increasing emphasis, consumer protection, risk management techniques, modern IT techniques, application of legislation, illicit traffic in drugs, organized crime, national duties, protection of the environment, examination equipment, agricultural control.

Exercise 4. Learn the following word-combinations paying attention to prepositions:

to focus on

in recent years

emphasis on

for the purpose of

based on modern techniques

under the responsibility

to fight against

Exercise 5. Match the notions: ‘ security’, ‘consumer’,risk’, ‘ benefits’,laboratory’, ‘drug’ with their definitions.

1…….positive result;

2…….to put smth important in danger;

3…….protection from danger;

4…….the ordinary person who buys and uses goods and services;

5…….a specially equipped room for doing experiments and other exploratory work;

6. …...a substance one takes as a habit for pleasure or excitement.

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 6. Read the text and say what unusual roles Customs perform.

Text 1

Previously, Customs focused on the fiscal aspects of Customs work that is collecting Customs duties. But in recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of Customs controls for purposes such as security, safety, protection of the environment, consumer protection, cultural and agricultural controls.

This means Customs controls must be quick, effective and based on modern risk management techniques.

Customs are also involved, under their national responsibilities, with many activities relating to the fight against illicit traffic of drugs, pornography and organized crime as well as supporting the work of other services (police, immigration, etc.).

Exercise 7. Explain the following statements; give your own arguments:

1. New technologies are used to improve the work at the Customs.

2. There are non-traditional areas in which Customs are involved.

3. New Customs responsibilities increased the workload of Customs officers.

Exercise 8. In pairs, look at the table below and evaluate your potential for a career in Customs:

1) be able to analyze information and make decisions   2) work accurately and pay close attention to details 3) be able to work both alone and in a team   4) have good listening and questioning skills 5) be able to present information in a clear and logical way 6) be tactful and polite 7) be honest and fair in applying rules   8) have good numeracy skills, for examining accounts and making calculations a) иметь хорошие навыки счета, разбираться в бухгалтерских документах, делать расчеты b) работать самостоятельно и в команде с) уметь четко и логично представлять изученную информацию d) неукоснительно применять закон e) работать точно и уделять пристальное внимание к деталям f) быть тактичным и вежливым g) уметь хорошо выслушивать собеседника и задавать вопросы   h) анализировать информацию и принимать решения

Exercise 9. Get ready to speak on the main duties of a Customs officer.

Exercise 10. Describe the character traits which the Customs officer must possess.

Choose from: honest, observant, competent, fair, strong, polite, strict, businesslike, emotional, reasonable, intuitive, generous, self-disciplined, clever, decisive, etc.

Exercise 11. Read the text below to answer the following questions:

1. When did Steve join the Customs?

2. Why does Steve like his job?

3. What unusual roles does he perform?

4. Is Steve’s job significant?

5. Is the atmosphere at his department pleasant?

Text 2

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 436 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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