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Focus on Grammar. Exercise 25.Insert the article (the, a, an) if necessary

Exercise 25. Insert the article (the, a, an) if necessary.

1. Excuse me. Could you tell me ____way to ____Customs Academy?

2. Her parents have ____small farm in ____Yorkshire.

3. He missed ____train. That was ____reason he arrived late.

4. Don’t smoke in ____cinema. It’s forbidden.

5. ____ plane didn’t fly because of ____storm.

6. Last year he worked for ____big company in ____Brussels, ____company employs over 4000 people.

7. She sometimes gets ____letters from her friends abroad.

Exercise 26. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The Customs officer usually (examine) passengers’ baggage.

2. He (read) the passengers’ declarations every day.

3. The Customs officer (look) through the passenger’s Customs form at the moment.

4. My friend (be) a Customs officer.

5. Customs officers still (search) passengers for illegal goods.

6. At first I (register) my luggage.

7. Mr. Grey (put) his suit-case into an X-ray machine now.

8. Last week they (go) to Moscow on business.

Exercise 27. Supply ‘to be going to’ or Present Continuous for these sentences:

1. We (eat) at a restaurant tonight.

2. They (drive) to Manchester tomorrow morning.

3. Who (tell) him the news?

4. Hurry up! We (miss) the train.

5. How many people (arrive) today?

6. I (go) to the seaside next weekend.

7. Who (come) to John’s party later?

8. Our friends (meet) us before the concert yesterday.

9. We (move) into our new house next month.

10. She (visit) Great Britain before.

Exercise 28. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. I (not send) the parcel until I (hear) from you.

2. As soon as they (phone) me, I (contact) you.

3. I (see) you before I (fly) to Moscow.

4. They (send) you the money before they (leave).

5. When I (talk) to him, I (give) him the news.

6. She (visit) her parents before she (go) to the airport.

7. I (finish) this when I (be) at the office.

8. She (do) her homework before she (go) out.

9. After I (visit) the hospital, I (go) and see her parents.

10. I (phone) Mary when we (get) to St. Petersburg.

11. I (call) you as soon as we (sign) the contract.

12. He (not do) anything before you (tell) him to.

13. You (be) very surprised when you (meet) him.

Exercise 29. Use the possessive case.

Example: the toys of the children - the children’s toys.

1. The room of the students.

2. The declaration of the passenger.

3. The new club of the workers.

4. The birthday of my sister Ann.

5. The boats of the fisherman.

6. The opinion of the lawyer.

7. The offer of the seller.

8. The conclusion of the expert.

9. The house of my friend.

10. The bag of the tourist.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 913 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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