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Урок 16



Client: Hello! Is this the hairdresser’s? I have an appointment for 2 o’clock.
Hairstylist: Oh, that’s right. This way, please. Take a seat. Would you wait for a little while?
Client: Sure.
Hairstylist: … O.K., I’m all at your service. What can I do for you?
Client: I want to have my hair cut.
Hairstylist: You don’t want the style, do you?
Client: No
Hairstylist: All you need is just a trim. Your hair is short enough.
Client: I hate such long hair.
Hairstylist: Lots of young people today wear their hair long. And it looks so nice.

Client: This style doesn’t suit me, I’m afraid. I’ve got enough problems with my hair, especially in bed weather. So I need a haircut.
Hairstylist: I could shorten the front and leave the hair long in the back.
Client: Oh, no. Cut my hair short both on the front and in the back. And on the sides, too. And don’t forget about the top, as well.


Hairstylist: You want to have your hair cut, don’t you?
Client: Yes, I’d like to change my hairstyle.
Hairstylist: O.K. Let me see. Do you want your hair washed first?
Client: Of course. I’d like a shampoo.
Hairstylist: Here we are… Should I shorten it on the sides?
Client: Yes, and in the back, too.
Hairstylist: I’m trimming the top…
Client: Don’t cut much on the top, will you? And the part on the right side.
Hairstylist: O.K. Should I style it with a hairdryer?
Client: Oh, no. Just comb it. And no hairspray, please.
Hairstylist: Here you are.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 754 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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