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XVIII. This paragraph from a personal letter needs punctuation. Read it first for general meaning

Perhaps Gail has told you about the new man in my life Paul Schleger sometimes I cant quite believe that there is really Someone in the world like him of course the problem is that he's may be moving back to Brisbane while I am in Brisbane Now but moving to Perth why is love always so difficult.

XIX. Choose two or three of the situations and write the letters. Make them realistic by including personal details of your current activities.

a) You have just received some photos from a friend who visited you last month. You write a letter of thanks and tell your friend briefly what has happened in you life since then.

b) You have just heard that a friend is getting married. You write a letter of congratulations and tell him or her some news.

c) Years ago you met and traveled with a person from another country. Suddenly you receive a letter from him/her, telling you that he or she is coming to live in Australia. You write a letter back and include some ad­vice for your friend's first days in the country.

d) You have just moved from another city. You are missing some close friends you had there. You write a letter telling them how you feel and describing your first few weeks in your new city.

e) You are planning a trip to another part of the country. You write to some friends who live there, telling them of the trip and expressing your wish to see them.

f) You received a letter from your parents telling you about a friend's sickness. You write to the friend and include some news of your family and of your activities.

g) It is a friend's birthday. You send your birthday wishes in a letter which includes your news of the year.

h) A family member has gone to live overseas for a year. He or she has been gone for four months now and you have not had a letter. You are rather annoyed and so you write a letter.

i) Some friends have written to invite you to spend the holidays with them. You write back expressing your thanks and telling them whether or not you can go.

j) Someone has sent you a gift for your birthday. You write a letter of thanks and tell them about your birthday celebration.

h) Is there a personal letter you need to write at the moment? If so, write it now!

i) Some friends have written to invite you to spend the holidays with them. You write back expressing your thanks and telling them whether or not you can go.

j) Someone has sent you a gift for your birthday. You write a letter of thanks and tell them about your birthday celebration.

k) Is there a personal letter you need to write at the moment? If so, write it now!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 750 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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