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Countries and Nationalities

I. Read the following proper names correctly:

A. Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Africa, Australia

B. Argentina, Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain [bR'reIn], Barbados ['bRbeIdLz], Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia ['bPznIq]-Herzegovina [hFqtsq'gPvInq], Brazil [brq'zIl], Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile ['CIlI], China, Croatia [krqu'eISIq], Cuba, Cyprus ['sQIprqs], the Czech [Cek] Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guinea ['gInI], Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel ['IzreIl], Italy, Japan [Gq'pxn], Korea, Kuwait [kHweIt], Lebanon ['lebqnqn], Liechtenstein ['lIktnstaIn] Luxembourg ['lAksmbWg], Macedonia ["mxsI'dqunIq], Malta ['mLltq], Nepal [nJ'pLl], the Netherlands, New Zealand ['neTqlqndz], Norway, the Philippines ['fIlIpJnz], Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Montenegro ["mPntI'nJgrqu], Spain, Sweden ['swJdn], Switzerland, Thailand ['taIlxnd], Turkey ['tWkI], Ukraine, the UAE (the United Arab ['xrqb] Emirates ['emIrqts], the USA (the United States of America)

II. Match the country and its capital:

China Stockholm ['stPkhqum]

Austria Vienna [vI'enq]

Norway Oslo ['Pzlqu]

Poland Warsaw ['wLsL]

Italy Rome

France Valletta

Japan Tokyo

Malta Athens ['xTnz]

Greece Copenhagen ["kqupn'heIgn]

Denmark Paris 'pxrIs]

Sweden Beijing

III. Endings –ese, - an, - ish, -i are used to form the word denoting ‘nationality’

Form each nationality according to the modal:

- an

America – American: Austria, Belarus, Egypt, Canada, Norway, Italy.

He is from the USA. He is an American. He speaks English. (the English language). The Americans are easy-going. (The Americans are an easy-going people.)

- ese

Portugal – Portuguese: Burma, China, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Nepal.

He is from Portugal. He is a Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese (the Portuguese language). The Portuguese are friendly. (The Portuguese are a friendly people.)

- i

Iraq – Iraqi: Israel, Pakistan, Kuwait.

He is from Iraq. He is an Iraqi. He speaks Arabic (the Arabic language). The Iraqis are independent and warlike. (The Iraqis are an independent and warlike people.)

Irregular cases:

Cyprus – a Cypriot, the Cypriots; Spain – a Spaniard, Spanish, the Spanish; Great Britain – an Englishman/woman, English, the English; Denmark – a Dane; the Danes, Danish; France – a Frenchman/woman, the French, French; Turkey – a Turk, the Turks, Turkish; Poland – a Pole, the Poles, Polish; The Netherlands – a Dutchman/woman; the Dutch, Dutch.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 718 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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