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XIII. Tell your group-mates about the University you study at

XIV. Read and reproduce the following situational dialogues.


- Hallo, …! How are you getting on?

- Hallo, …! Fine, thanks. You can congratulate me. I’ve passed my entrance exams successfully and now I am a student.

- Good for you! It’s been a real turning point in your life, hasn’t it?

- I suppose so.

- I guess, you’ve chosen the University.

- Exactly!

- And what faculty?

- Saw faculty. I’ve done it on my parents’ advice and I’m not a bit sorry about i.

- Why should you be sorry? The profession of a lawyer is very popular now. I wish you every success in your studies!

- Thank you. I’ll do my best.


- How are you doing?

- Fine, thank you.

- You are graduating this year, aren’t you?

- Yes, in a month. I’ve already finished the required courses and passed my exams. I am only to defend my graduation paper.

- How many exams did you have to take?

- Three. It was not an easy task, I’d say.

- I suppose, everything has turned out all right.

- Yes, it has. All the three marks were excellent.

- It’s a kind of reward for your hard work, isn’t it?

- Perhaps. I’m looking forward to starting my work soon, though on the other hand, I’m really sorry that my student’s years have nearly passed.


- Hi, …! Glad to see you!

- Hi, …! I haven’t seen you for ages. You were going to enter the University, weren’t you? Has your dream come true?

- Yes, it has. I’m a first-year student.

- My congratulations! So in five years you’ll have a profession. How lucky you are! By the way, what will your future speciality be?

- A teacher of drawing.

- Is it difficult to study at your faculty?

- Rather! We are taking a lot of subjects having three or four and even more lectures and classes a day. But still it’s interesting for me to study here. In short I like it.

- And they say, it’ll be more interesting when you begin taking your special subjects.

- I hope so.


The following situational dialogues will improve your communication skills.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 587 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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