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Of using functional progressions

In the athletic community, injuries and subsequent disability frequently occur. Disabilities can be described as restrictive influences that "disease and injury exert upon neuromotor performances. Thus, in an effort to reduce the lasting effects of injury, the sports therapist should direct rehabilitation toward improving neuromuscular coordination and agility, not simply to increasing strength and endurance. If rehabilitation is directed toward regaining range of motion, flexibility, strength, endurance, and perhaps primarily to increasing coordination and agility, a full return to activity is possible. However, if the program simply provides a means for the reduction of signs and symptoms associated with the injury, the athlete will not return to a safe and effective level of activity. As a result, rehabilitation of athletic injuries needs to focus on the full preinjury fitness of the athlete.

1.1. Listen to the text “Role and Benefits of Using Functional Progressions”.

1.2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How often do injuries and subsequent disability occur in the athletic

community? 2. How can disabilities be described as? 3. Where should the sports therapist direct rehabilitation efforts toward? 4. When is a full return to activity possible? 5. What happens if the program simply provides a means for reduction of signs and symptoms associated with the injury? 6. What does rehabilitation of athletic injuries need to focus on?

1.3. Retell the text.

II. Oral topic XII.

  FUNCTIONAL PROGRESSION IN REHABILITATION   Complete rehabilitation should strive to improve neuromuscular coordination and agility, as well as to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility. The role of the functional progression is to improve and complete the traditional rehabilitation process by providing sport-specific exercise. The functional progression is a sequence of activities that simulate sports activity. The progression will begin easily, increasing to full sports participation. Each sports activity can be divided into smaller components, allowing the athlete to progress from easy to difficult. Functional progressions are highly effective exercise therapy techniques found with the long-term rehabilitation stage. Functional progressions allow for improvements in strength, endurance, mobility/flexibility, relaxation, coordination/agility/skill, and assessment of functional stability. Functional progression can improve the athlete's psychology/social aspects by decreasing feelings of anxiety, deprivation, and apprehension. Components of a functional progression that should be addressed include development, choice of activity, implementation, and termination.

2.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Functional Progression in Rehabilitation”.

2.2. Give its main idea in a few words.

2.3. Read and translate the text.

2.4. Find the English equivalents for the following:

стремиться к, ловкость, завершать, легко, имитировать, предоставление /обеспечение, позволять, спортивные специальные упражнения, выносливость, последовательность, увеличивая до полного достижения спортивного уровня, высоко эффективная техника физической терапии, длительный, улучшать, оценка, уменьшать, ощущение, беспокойство, потеря/лишение, опасение, внедрение, результат/исход

2.5. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What should complete rehabilitation strive to improve? 2. By means of what does the functional progression facilitate the traditional rehabilitation process? 3. Is the functional progression a process that is developing gradually? 4. What allows the athlete to progress from easy to difficult? 5. Are functional progressions found with the long-term or short-term stage? 6. What do functional progressions allow for improvements in? 7. How can functional progression improve the athlete’s psychology/social aspects? 8. What do components of a functional progression include?

Board exercises. A, Tilt board exercise. B, BAPS board exercise.

2.6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.

1. Functional progressions (provide) physical and psychological benefits to the injured athlete. 2. Strength, endurance, mobility, flexibility, relaxation, coordination, and skill (can, be restored). 3. At the same time the functional stability of the joint (can, be assessed), providing the physical benefits. 4. Psychologically, the progression (can, reduce) the feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and deprivation commonly observed in the injured athlete.

2.7. Insert articles if necessary.

1. Increased strength is … physical benefit of … functional progression. 2. Strength is … ability of … muscle to produce tension or apply force maximally against resistance and occurs statically or dynamically, in relation to … imposed demands. 3. Strength increases are possible if … load imposed on … muscle maximizes that muscle's capabilities to adapt during exercise. 4. This is commonly referred to as … overload principle and is possible because of motor unit recruitment and muscle fiber hypertrophy. 5. To see these improvements, … muscle must be worked to … point of fatigue with either high or low resistance. 6. The functional progression will develop strength using … SAID principle (specific adaptation to imposed demands). 7. … muscles involved will be strengthened dynamically, under similar stresses encountered with competition.

2.8. Translate into English.


Мышечную выносливость, также как и кардиореспиративную выносли-вость, можно повысить (can be enhanced) при помощи функциональной прогрессии. Выносливость необходима для продолжительной деятельности (for long duration activity), будь то повседневная активность daily living) или повторяемые двигательные функции, необходимые для занятия спортом. Функциональная прогрессия может повысить мышечную выносливость путем повторяемой индивидуальной деятельности (through repetition of individual activities) в сочетания с общей деятельностью (and by combining them into one general activity). Прогрессия создает среду (provides an environment) для совершенствования мышечной силы и выносливости не прибегая к помощи более одной программы (without using more than one program). Кардиореспиративная выносливость может быть существенно улучшена из-за повторяемости движений, принятой в прогрессии (because of the repetition of motion found with the progression), точно также как повышаются уровни фитнеса при продолжительной физической деятельности (in the same way regular fitness levels improve with continuous exercise).

  Shuffle slides. A, Starting position. B,Finish position 180 degree pivot. The athlete pushes off the right foot, pivoting on the left, thus rotating the body 180 degrees, landing on the right foot. Then pushing off the right foot, the body pivots on the left foot 180 degrees in the other direction, landing on the right foot.     90 degree pivot. The athlete pushes off with the left foot, landing on the right foot directly in front, then steps immediately laterally landing on the left foot, then back laterally in the opposite direction landing on the right foot, then backwards onto the left foot.       Step-ups. The athlete steps A, forward or B, laterally onto a step.  

2.9. Read and translate a text below. Have it for a dictation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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