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Manual therapy techniques in rehabilittaion

Manual therapy techniques including mobilization and traction, as well as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques, are being used more frequently in rehabilitation by the sports therapist. In recent years, the sports therapist has tended to get caught up in some of the technological advances that have been made available in rehabilitation equipment. These "high tech" devices have to a great extent taken the place of what many consider to be the greatest tool available in the rehabilitation repertoire, that being our hands. It seems however that the pendulum is beginning to swing back in the other direction, and more sports therapists are incorporating manual therapy techniques into their rehabilitation regimens.

After injury to a joint, there will always be some associated loss of motion. That loss of movement may be attributed to a number of pathological factors including contracture of connective tissue (for example, ligaments and joint capsule); resistance of the musculotendinous unit (for example, muscle, tendon, and fascia) to stretch; or some combination of the two.

In a postsurgical case, the limitation is almost always caused by capsular or ligamentous contracture. For example, the postoperative knee will typically demonstrate a position of comfort with the joint held in slight flexion. This position of comfort can very quickly become motion limiting if appropriate intervention measures are not initiated by the sports therapist. Certainly the advent of arthroscopy, the use of constant passive motion immediately after surgery, and functional postoperative bracing have attempted to minimize loss of motion after surgery. Nevertheless, there still seems to be significant difficulty in many patients in regaining normal joint motion.

3.1. Listen to the text “Manual Therapy Techniques in Rehabilitation”.

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

техника проприоцептивного нервно-мышечного облегчения; часто, иметь

тенденцию к, воспользоваться достижениями новейших технологий, доступный, высокотехнологические приборы, в значительной степени, репертуар, однако, маятник, отклоняться, включать, режим, сопутствующий, утрата/потеря, отнести за счет, резистентность, послеоперационный, слегка согнутый, соответствующий /подходящий, вмешательство, приступать к проведению мероприятий, проведение артроскопии, ортопедическое фиксирование, пациент, тем не менее, заново обрести нормальное движение сустава, вытяжение, приведение в движение

3.4. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What kinds of techniques does manual therapy include? 2. What do the

sports therapists consider to be the greatest tool available in the rehabilitation repertoire? 3. Is there any tendency for sports therapists to incorporate any rehabilitation equipment? 4. What will always be after injury to a joint? 5. Why does that loss of movement occur? 6. By what is the limitation almost always caused in a postsurgical period? 7. By means of what can you minimize loss of motion after surgery? 8. Is it hard or easy to regain normal joint motion?

3.5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in a proper tense form.

1. Spin (occur) around some stationary longitudinal mechanical axis and (may, be) in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. 2. An example of spinning (be) motion of the radial head at the humeroradial joint as (occur) in forearm pronation / supination. 3. Rolling (occur) when a series of points on one articulating surface comes in contact with a series of points on another articulating surface. 4. An analogy (would, be) to picture a rocker of a rocking chair rolling on the flat surface of the floor. 5. An anatomical example (would, be) the rounded femoral condyles rolling over a stationary flat tibial plateau.

3.6. Insert articles if necessary.

1. Gliding occurs when... specific point on one articulating surface comes in contact with … series of points on another surface. 2. Returning to … rocking chair analogy, … rocker slides across … flat surface of … floor without any rocking at all. 3. Gliding is sometimes referred to as … translation. 4. Anatomically, gliding or translation would occur during … anterior drawer test at … knee when … flat tibial plateau slides anteriorly relative to … fixed rounded femoral condyles.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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