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Healing process and musculoskeletal injuries

Rehabilitation of sports-related injuries requires some knowledge and understanding of the etiology and pathology involved in various musculoskeletal injuries that may occur. When injury occurs, the sports therapist is charged with designing, implementing, and supervising the rehabilitation program. Rehabilitation protocols and progressions must be based primarily on the physiological responses of the tissues heal. Thus the sports therapist must understand the healing process to effectively supervise the rehabilitation process. The healing process is discussed here relatively to the various musculoskeletal injuries that may be encountered in sports medicine setting.

3.1. Listen to the text “Healing Process and Musculoskeletal Injuries”.

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What does rehabilitation of sports-related injuries require? 2. What is the

sports therapist charged with? 3. What must rehabilitation protocols and progressions be based on? 4. Why must the sports therapist understand the healing process? 5. From what point of view is healing process discussed here?

3.4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

относительно/ в связи с, учение о причинах и условиях возникновения болезни, процесс заживления, спортивные травмы, нести ответственность, различный, происходить, ткани, затрагивающий, составление, внедрение, надзор, главным образом /прежде всего, физиологические реакции, исцеление, натолкнуться /встретиться, в сфере спортивной медицины

3.5. Change the italic words for the equivalents from the text.

1. Rehabilitation of sports-related traumas claims some knowledge and understanding of the etiology and pathology involved in various musculoskeletal injuries that may happen. 2. When injury occurs, the sports therapist deals with development, use, and controlling the rehabilitation program. 3. Rehabilitation protocols and progressions must be grounded mainly on the physiological responses of the tissues heal. 4. So the sports therapist must understand the healing process to effectively supervise the rehabilitation process. 5. The healing process is discussed here relatively to the various musculoskeletal injuries that may be met in sports medicine sphere.

3.6 Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.

1. The increased pressure caused by swelling (retard) the healing process,

(cause) separation of tissues, (inhibit) neuromuscular control, (produce) reflexive neurological changes, and (impede) nutrition in the injured part. 2. Edema (be) best controlled and managed during the initial first-aid management period as described previously. 3. Bleeding (occur) with even the smallest amount of damage to the capillaries. 4. Bleeding (produce) the same negative effects on healing as (do) the accumulation of edema, and its presence (produce) additional tissue damage and thus exacerbation of the injury.

3.7. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1. Injuries to tissues with a poor vascular supply heal poorly and … a slow

rate. 2. This responsible is likely related to a failure … the initial delivery … phagocytic cells and fibroblasts necessary … scar formation. 3. Muscle spasm causes traction … the torn tissue, separates the two ends, and prevents approximation. 4. Local and generalized ischemia may result … spasm. 5. Wasting away … muscle tissue begins immediately with injury. 6. Strengthening and early mobilization … the injured structure retard atrophy. 7. The presence … bacteria … the wound can delay healing, causes large, deformed scars.

3.8. Fill in the gaps with the articles if necessary.

1. Humidity significantly influences … process of epithelization. 2. Occlusive

dressings stimulate … epithelium to migrate twice as fast without crust or scab formation. 3. The formation of … scab occurs with dehydration of … wound and traps wound drainage, which promotes infection. 4. Keeping … wound moist provides … advantage for … necrotic debris to go to … surface and be shed. 5. Oxygen tension relates to … neovascularization of … wound, which translates into optimal saturation and maximal tensile strength development. 6. Circulation to … wound can be affected by ischemia, venous stasis, hematomas, and vessel trauma.

3.9. Translate the following into English.

Существуют четыре основных типа тканей тела человека: эпителиальная

(epithelial), соединительная (connective), мышечная (muscular) и нервная (nervous). Все ткани организма могут быть определены как мягкие (soft) кроме костной (except bone). Однако, более технично, мягкие ткани могут быть определены как основное межклеточное вещество ткани (matrix) тела человека, состоящее из клеточных элементов (cellular elements) в пределах твердого вещества (within a ground substance). Более того, полагают, что мягкая ткань является местом наиболее распространенного функционального повреждения опорно-двигательного аппарата (the most common site of functional impairment of the musculoskeletal system). Следовательно, большинство спортивных травм (most sports related injuries) происходит в мягких тканях.

3.10. Act out the conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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