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The role of physical rehabilitation

- What role does physical rehabilitation play in medical treatment?
- Physical rehabilitation is an integral part of up-to-date medical treatment.
- What does a patient’s recovery depend on?
- Patient's recovery after illness, surgery or injury depends on efficiency of regeneration process in a large scale.
- What is the main target of rehabilitation process?
- One of the main objectives of rehabilitation is person's health restoration in order to resume an active lifestyle as soon as possible.
- Are there any ways to promote rehabilitation process?
- There is a large range of means and methods intended to solve the tasks of such kind.
- Would you name some of them?
- The following ones are the most widely used: curative gymnastics, physiotherapy, dietetics therapy, massage, healthy lifestyle program, etc.
- Who deals with selection and application of the means of rehabilitation?
  On the whole there is a great variety in the means of rehabilitation the selection and application of which is stipulated by a specialist's prescription in accordance with a treatment process.

3.7. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. Professionals working … these programs tend to work more closely … physicians …monitoring the performance and progress … the program’s participants. 2. To plan rehabilitation programs, the professional needs to be familiar … the medical aspects … each participant’s illness, and aware … drugs commonly used … the participants and their effects. 3. Professionals working … rehabilitation programs require training to help individuals deal … the psychological aspects … their illness.

3.8. Open the brackets and use a verb in a proper tense and voice form.

1. The process of rehabilitation (to begin) immediately after injury. 2. Initial first aid and management techniques (can, to have) substantial impact on the course and ultimate outcome of the rehabilitative process. 3. The sports therapist who (to supervise) the rehabilitation program (must, to perform) a balancing act walking along a thin line between not pushing the athlete hard enough or fast enough and being overly aggressive. 4. In either case, a mistake in judgment on the part of the sports therapist (may, to hinder) the athlete's return to activity. 5. The sports therapist (must, to possess) a sound understanding of both the sequence and time frames for the various phases of healing, realizing that certain physiological events must occur during each of the phases. 6. There (to be) little that can be done to speed up the process physiologically, but there (to be) many things that may be done during rehabilitation to impede healing.

3.9. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  tools; broad theoretical knowledge base; to utilize; rehabilitation; process; preference  

1. The sports therapist has many … at his/her disposal that can facilitate the rehabilitative …. 2. How they choose … … those tools is often a matter of individual … and experience. 3. In fact the sports therapist must develop a … … … … from which specific techniques of … may be selected and practically applied to each individual case.

3.10. Translate the following into English.

1. Я мечтаю стать специалистом в области физической реабилитации. 2. Это просто замечательно помогать людям, перенесшим тяжелые болезни, страдающим от травм и восстанавливающихся после хирургического вмешательства. 3. Для этого надо научиться применять все многообразие средств и методов физической реабилитации, имеющихся в распоряжении специалистов. 4. Также необходимо объяснять людям преимущества ведения здорового образа жизни. 5. Лучше всего готовят таких специалистов на отделении физической реабилитации в НУФВСУ. 6. Именно здесь будущие специалисты могут получить основательную подготовку, как по теории, так и на практике. 7. Я буду упорно учиться, чтобы стать высококлассным специалистом по физической реабилитации. 8. В наше время открывается все больше возможностей трудоустройства в этой важной сфере. 9. После окончания магистратуры я собираюсь работать в клинике по физической реабилитации.

3.11. Give a talk on “My Future Occupation is Physical Rehabilitation”.

IV. Listen Comprehension Text

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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