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Nominal Clauses. 1. In predicative clauses introduces by the conjunctions as if, as though

1. In predicative clauses introduces by the conjunctions as if, as though. The predicative clauses with Subjunctive II immediately follow the link verbs be, seem, look, feel, sound:

It was as if she were trying to tell him something (simultaneous action).

I feel as though I had never been away (prior action).

2. In object clauses after the verb “to wish”:

I wish we were both about ten years older than we are (simultaneous action).

I wish I hadn’t come (prior action).

Sentences with wish- clauses express regret. When rendering them into Russian it is possible to use a clause with the opposite meaning, introduced by жаль, как жаль, какая жалость or by the finite form of the verb “сожалеть”.

With reference to the future, after the verb to wish a combination of the modal verb would in Subjunctive II and the Infinitive is often used in the sense of insistence, habit or willingness:

I wish you wouldn’t sing in the bath.

I wish you would shut up!

Would + Infinitive is possible only when the subject of the subordinate clause and that of the principal clause do not denote the same thing or person. Would” + Infinitive shows that the fulfillment of the wish depends on the will of the person denoted by the subject of the subordinate clause:

I wish you would treat me better.

If the fulfilment of the wish depends more on the circumstances, may (might) or could + Infinitive is preferable:

I wish I could help you.

I only wish I might be with you.

3. In attributive clauses after the expressions It is time. It is high time. It is about time:

It is time I made up my mind.

In attributive clauses only non-perfect Subjunctive II is used.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 930 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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