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Task 4. Answer the questions

1. What facilities do hostels have? What are their booking policies? When do you need to book in advance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in hostel?

2. When is living in University accommodation possible? What kind of rooms do they provide? Do the rooms have private bathroom? Where can you get refreshment?

3. What does B & B mean? What advantages does staying in B & B have?

4. Why is staying in B & B good for those studying English?

5. What facilities do large city and town hotels provide? Do they have leisure facilities?

Which of them do they have?

6. How are self-catering accommodations classified? Do they have stars? What cooking facilities do they have? What kind of people usually rent them?

Task 5. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1. vary a. предварительное бронирование
2. grading b. разниться, отличаться
3. let c. включённый в список
4. adopt d. принимать
5. run e. резкий, грубый
6. affiliate f. классификация
7. abrupt g. недорогой
8. advance booking h. (возможный) вариант
9. property i. собственность, имущество
10. option j. соответствующий
11. commended k. присоединять
12. adequate l. сдавать внаём
13. reasonable m. руководить
14. listed n. рекомендовано

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 808 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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