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Bed and Breakfast

You’ll find ‘bed and breakfast’ (B & В for short) in towns, resorts and villages throughout Britain. Some В & Bs are private houses, others are old-world country pubs, yet more are farmhouses. Small B&Bs may only have one room to let, and you can really feel like a guest of the family - they may not even have a sign. All will give you a friendly welcome and a chance to meet the British in their own homes. You get a bedroom, a shared bathroom and an enormous cooked breakfast (juice, cereal, bacon, eggs, sausage, baked beans and toast). More up-market B&Bs have private bath­rooms and TVs in each room.


Guesthouses, which are often just large converted houses with half a dozen rooms, are an extension of the B&B concept. In general, they’re less personal than B&Bs, and more like small budget hotels.


Britain’s large town and city hotels offer every comfort that you’d expect - central heating, bedside radio, TV, coffee-making facilitiesand private bathrooms. There will be a restaurant and bar (sometimes several) on the premises. An increasing number of hotels have leisure facilities for their guests - swimming pools, tennis courts, small golf courses and saunas for example. Others have local arrangements for pony-trekking, golf, fishing, sailing and so on. Hotels and restaurants are obliged by law to display current prices prominently.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 568 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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