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Task 1. Choose the correct transcription

1) kind A. [kind] B. [kaind] C. [kiŋ ]

2) dirty A. [dirti] B. [dæti] C. [də:ti ]

3) minute A. ['mainit] B. ['minutə] C.[ 'minit]

4) escape A. [is'keip] B. [es'keip] C. [ekskǽp]

5) lecture A. [lekturə] B. [lektʃə] C. [liktә]

Task 2. Choose the correct spelling.

1) [kud] A. could B. kould C. cold

2) [pei] A. pie B. pay C. pai

3) [kwit] A. qiet B. quite C. quit

4) ['mi:tə ] A. meter B. metter C. matter

5) [ʃip ] A. ship B. sheep C. cheap

Task 3. Which word sounds different?

1. a) is b) he’s c) it’s

2. a) on b) go c) old

3. a) phone b) coat c) brown

4. a) they b) chair c) name

5. a) writer b) live c) sign

Two of these ed-endings sound like [d]. Which one does not?

a) lived b) persuaded c) needed

Task 4. Translate the words into Russian and write the words they are formed from.

Childless, unimportant, buyer, weakly, warmly, enjoyment, bookseller, improbable, historic, flyer.

Read and translate the text

The aim of the government in Britain is to increase the number of students who enter into higher education. The driving force for this has been mainly economic. It is assumed that the more people who study at degree level, the more likely the country are to succeed economically. The higher education sector provides a variety of courses up to degree and postgraduate degree level, and careers out research. All universities in England and Wales are state universities (this includes Oxford and Cambridge).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 907 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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