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Exercise 2. Translate these sentences into Russian

1. There are twenty pence in a pound sterling. 2. There is one hundred cents in a US dollar. 3. There are 1.6 kilometers in a mile. 4. There are many talented students in this group. 5. Is there a car park near here? 6. Is there a swimming pool in the town?

Exercise 3. Translate these sentences into English.

1. В этой аудитории много современных компьютеров. 2. Сейчас в городе тысячи туристов из разных стран Европы и Америки. 3. На столе лежат книги, журналы и газеты. 4. В этом тексте много сложных слов. 5. На Невском проспекте много соборов и церквей. 6. В этом журнале есть несколько интересных рассказов. 7. В этой группе много студентов. 8. В нашем университете 8 факультетов 9. В Санкт-Петербурге 5 миллионов жителей. 10. В Государственном Эрмитаже свыше 3 миллионов экспонатов. 11. В нашем городе более 400 мостов.

Exercise 4. Explain the use of the indefinite article a/an.

1. I’d like to have a dog. 2. She lives in a small flat somewhere in Paris. 3. ‘What do you do?’ ‘I’m a student.’ 4. ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s a photo camera. ’ 5. ‘Is he an architect?’ ‘No, he isn’t. He is an engineer. ’ 6. ‘Does Los Angeles have a subway system?’ ‘No, there are only buses and street cars in the city.’ 7. ‘If you need any city transport in Los Angeles you can get a transfer. ’ ‘What is a transfer?’ ‘ With a transfer you can change to another bus or street car without having to pay another fare.’ 8. ‘What’s a taxi fare?’ ‘It’s from eighty cents to a dollar a mile.’

Exercise 5.Put in the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leavethe space empty.

1. Where did you have ___lunch?

2. We spent ___ month ___Black Sea.

3. ___Hermitage stands on ___bank of ___Neva river.

4. ___London is one of ___most beautiful cities in ___world.

5. When they come to ___ city they always stay in ___’Ritz’

6. He spent ___whole day preparing for ___test.

7. ___Moon moves around ___Earth.

8. He named her Lisa by ___mistake.

9. ___Mississippi flows into ____Mexican Gulf.

10. Can you tell me where ___Room 25 is?

11. Tim lives in ___small village in ___country.

12. Peru is ___country in South Africa. ___capital is Lima.

13. Ann didn’t go to____work yesterday.

14. Will you be at ___home tomorrow afternoon?

Exercise 6. Insert some, any or no.

1.Are there _____ letters for me? No, there aren’t ____ letters for you.

2. You have _____ very nice water-colors here. 3. I have got ____ interesting books to read. 4. There aren’t ____ magazines here. 5. There are ___ coat-hangers in the wardrobe. 6. I have got ____ interesting news to tell you. 7. There isn’t ___ butter on the table. Take ____ fresh butter from the fridge. 8. Will you have a cup of tee? There is ____ hot water in the kettle. 9. I have got ____ time to speak to you now. I am very busy. 10. Have you got ____ English records at home? 11. You may read ____ book you like. 12. Where can I buy _____ flowers? 13. I am interested in _____ information you can give me on this question. 14. May I have ____water, please? 15. Give me ___ money if you have ____. 16. If you have ___ idea about it, please tell it to me.

Exercise 7. Insert somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything, everything, nothing, anyone, everybody, nobody, no one, none.

1.I see ____ in the window.2. Is there ____ new?3. There is ____in the next room who wants to speak to you.4. ____ knows about it.5. Will you give me ____to eat, I am hungry.6. If ____calls while I am out, ask him to wait.7. If there is ____ else you want, please let me know.8. I haven’t any more money about me, so I cannot buy ____else.9. Where can I get ____ to eat?10. When can I find ____here who can give me some information on this question?11. Let me know if ____ happens.12. I know ___ about your town. Tell me ____about it.13. I can see ____. It is too dark here.14. I understand ____ now. Thank you for your explanation.15. ____ of them speak English well.16. “Where is the book?” “It’s on the table.” “But there is ____there.17. Please tell us the story. ____ knows it yet.18. Is there ____ in your group who lives in the hostel?19. ____can answer this question. It is too difficult.20. ____can answer this question. It is very easy.21. The room is empty. ____ is in.22. ____ likes to go out for a walk when it is raining.23. Can you see ____ through the fog?

Exercise 8. Insert much, many, little, few.

1. There are ___ students in the hall. 2. There is ___ furniture in this room. 3. I haven’t ___ time today. I am very busy. 4. She has ____ Russian but ___English books. 5. Please don’t make so ___ noise. 6. I have _____ mistakes in my dictation. 7. Are there ___ rooms in your flat? 8. I have ____ water in my cup. Give me ____, please. 9. Are there ____ new houses in your street? 10. There isn’t ____ paper in the drawer.

Exercise 9. Insert a few, a little .

1. I have got _____ pictures in the room, but not many. 2. There is _____ bread in the cupboard. Take it. 3. There are only _____ cigarettes in the box. 4. ______books are lying on the table, but there are no magazines there. 5. I have ____ money in my pocket. 6. Give me ____ water, please. I am very thirsty. 7. I have just ____ prints, but they all are very good.

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