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Business Letter Style

The business letters style is usually considered in four aspects:

  1. Format:

There are three main formats, accepted in formal written communication:

a) blocked – all the elements of a letter are left oriented;

b) modified blocked – the parts are left oriented except the date and closing which are placed in the center;

c) semi-blocked – looks like the modified blocked style, only each paragraph is indented.

  1. Prose:

Clarity of communication is the primary goal. Don’t use any jargon or slang if your recipient doesn’t understand or share it. Short sentences are preferable, because they are easier to understand and interpret in the right way. Don’t ramble, dive precise and relevant information.

  1. Manner:

Personalize your letters, be polite and friendly in all cases, whatever the subject of your writing is. Your letter should leave an impression that much effort and thought has been put into writing it.

  1. Accuracy:

The final copy of your letter is to be polished and checked for spelling and punctuation.


to consider -рассматривать to indent -начинать с красной строки

clarity -ясность to ramble -говорить бессвязно, перескакивать с одной

мысли на другую

precise -точный effort -усилие

2. Identify the functions, ticking the right columns.

  format prose manner accuracy
Spelling and punctuation checking          
Using short, laconic sentences          
Using modified blocks          
Personalizing the letter          
Using semi-blocks          
Polishing the grammar and vocabulary of the letter        
Using proper vocabulary          
Being precise, avoiding non-meaningful phrases        
Trying to be friendly in all cases          
Using blocks          
Giving impressions of hard and meaningful work over the letter        
Checking sentences for their relevance          

3. Translate the following text using definitions of the words in bold type.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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