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Writing Strategies

Writing an effective business letter is an important skill not only for experienced managers and businessmen, but also for every educated person who wants to be successful in formal communication. There are five main steps in creating an effective business letter:

  1. Identify your aims

Establish what you want to achieve from the letter. Create your letter based on your aims.

  1. Establish the facts

Make sure you have all necessary relevant and accurate facts. For example, if you are a job applicant, you might include some resume facts, interview impressions or references.

  1. Know the recipient of the letter

It works better if you write in the language of your recipient. Try to imagine yourself in the place of your recipient. Read tour letter from this point of view. It will help you to get your desired response.

  1. Create a sample copy

Having established your aims and thought of the relevant facts with a view of the recipient – write down the main part of your letter.

  1. Decide on the layout of the letter

The physical appearance of a letter consists of the paper and the envelope. It is essential that the name and address should be spelt correctly. Design your letter following the formal elements of business letters.

1. Match the steps and their functions.

1) Identifying the aims means… A. thinking of the meaningful facts combined together
2) Establishing the facts means… B. knowing his/her language, interests, knowledge
3) Knowing the recipient means… C. thinking of the envelope and letter style design
4) Creating a sample copy means… D. writing the main elements of the letter  
5) Deciding on the physical layout of the letter means… E. realizing what you want to get from the letter

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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