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Contact Information and Objective

The contact information tells about who you are,

where you live, what your phone number and e-mail

address are, and how your employer can reach (1) 1. find somebody, especially

you. Probably, it’s the most important information in by telephone

your entire (2) document. 2. including every part

The next piece of information is your “statement (3) 3. a phrase that you say or

of objective(4). Statements of objective are most useful write in order to give

and necessary when you submit a resume for a specific information of an opinion

position; when you are changing your career path (5); or 4. something that you are

when you are a recent graduate with little hands-on (6) trying to get

experience. 5. a plan of action or a way

When writing your resume you have to remember your of achieving the career goal

reader. Don’t write an objective that is vague (7), 6. possessing practical skills

don’t tell your reader what you want, it’s better to tell 7. not clear in a person’s mind

what you want to offer (8) them. 8. to say that you want to do

something for somebody

Professional Summary

Your professional summary (9) briefly lists not just 9. statements that give only

what you have done, but what else you can do. It shows your the main points, not details

personal and professional characteristics, the skills, talents and 10. something that a person

achievements (10) you can offer a company. This means has done successfully

that your summary emphasizes your most marketable (11) 11. attractive to employers

skills and abilities which relate to the job you are seeking (12). 12. looking for somebody or

It is optional for chronological resumes, but it’s an something

absolutely necessary thing for functional ones.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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