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Everybody knows our country to have pioneered lasers. Now we manufacture laser devices of several dozen types both for domestic needs and for export. By the end of the last century it became possible to have developed communication lines which can carry simultaneous conversation by thousands of millions of people by using a laser beam.

Nobel Prize winners N. Basov and A. Prokhorov are well known all over the world. The creation of optical quantum generators known as lasers and other apparatus have become possible due to their work.

The specialists successfully use lasers in medicine. Everybody knows even the very thin beam of light emitted by a laser to be capable to replace the surgical scal­pel in a number of operations. The scientists found out the laser beam to cut through body without causing it to bleed. Furthermore, the light beam knife is absolutely sterile and precludes the possibility of introducing any kind of infection.

The first ruby laser beam flashed on in a laboratory at the Physics Institute many years ago. In the short time since it appeared the laser beam has become a wide-ranging indispensable scientific and industrial tool. We know lasers to be able to monitor continental drift, measure air pollution and detect deep-lying mineral deposits, follow the movement of artificial satellites, study the structure of matter.

It would be interesting to note that the research project by Russian scientists is connected with using the laser to amplify weak light for the projection microscope. A series of laser radars, developed by Siberian engineers and scientists also contribute to environmental pro­tection. They are used to monitor air cleanliness, to detect sources of contamination and to analyze smells.

We are sure lasers to enter the homes during the lifetime the present generations.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 531 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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