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Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. It was getting quiet in there; I couldn’t hear a sound


1. It was getting quiet in there; I couldn’t hear a sound.

2. It’s getting late, but I hate to say good-bye.

3. Look, the moon’s almost down. A little while, and it will be getting light.

4. By now the summer was over and it was starting to get cold.

5. It is getting darker.

6. It’s going to get a good deal hotter.


1. Things got progressively worse.

2. Things can only get better.

3. My father died when I was about twenty and things got more difficult.

4. He will soon know how rough things can get.

5. Things were getting desperate.

6. Can things get worse?


1. The handle has got loose.

2. The label has got unstuck.

3. These bricks don’t get dirty.

4. The lining has got soiled.

5. The hair was getting a little thin.

6. The rope suddenly got limp.


1. You’re getting better every day.

2. I’m trying to get used to the idea.

3. Does he ever get angry?

4. I don’t know why he does it, but he suddenly gets bossy and starts ordering me around.

5. I get lonely, so lonely living on my own.

6. It’s time you put your things on. You are getting cold.

7. I wish you to get well soon.

8. The child is getting sleepy.

9. I get sick when you’re around!

10. Watch out! You’ll get hurt!

11. She’s getting old, she’s thin and wizened.

12. I think we’d better start barbecuing, before the kids get too tired and hungry.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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