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Choose the correct form of the verb

1. Draughts is/are not so exciting as chess.

2. Diabetes is/are very dangerous.

3. Genetics is/are the study of genes.

4. News is/are information about a recent event.

5. Statistics is/are often misleading.

6. Mathematics is/are too difficult for me.

7. Athletics is/are my favourite sport.

8. Statistics is/are the study of probability.

9. The acoustics of this hall is/are excellent.

10. Money is/are the coins or bank notes that you use when you buy something.

11. Traffic police is/are very polite here.

12. His cattle is/are the finest in this part of England.

13. The clergy i /are the officially appointed leaders of the religious activities of a particular church.

14. Her hair is/are soft and glossy.

15. The staff was /were rude in that hotel.

16. The boat sank but the crew is/are safe.

17. Our family is/are not poor any more.

18. My family is/are perfectly normal.

19. The youth is/are young people considered as a group.

20. The youth was/were more serious than the uncle.

Translate the sentences into English using the SVCs structure.

1. Мои часы спешат.

2. Его одежда выглядит опрятно.

3. Их советы всегда полезны.

4. Свинка заразна.

5. Волосы у неё чёрные, а глаза – голубые.

6. Полиция ещё не осведомлена.

7. Где бинокль?

8. Новость была плохая.

9. Акустика в зале хорошая.

10. Фрукты были совсем спелые.

11. Этих денег недостаточно.

12. Его успехи в английском удивительны.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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