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Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. You’ve never been as late as this

1. You’ve never been as late as this.

2. Is it as interesting as that?

3. She isn’t as bad as all that.

4. It’s as easy as anything.

5. One is as bad as the other.

6. Is it as difficult as they say it is?

7. You’re just as bad-tempered as your mother.

8. It’s not nearly as cold as yesterday.

9. They are nothing like as critical as you.

10. She is every bit as beautiful as her sister.

Transform the sentences on the model:

She is superstitious. → She is a superstitious woman.

1. He is strong and muscular.

2. She is very promising.

3. He is knowledgeable.

4. She is efficient.

5. They are responsible and hard-working.

6. He is reliable.

7. You are naughty.

8. She is very gentle, isn’t she?

9. He is aggressive and dominating.

10. You are permissive.

Rephrase the sentences on the model:

This job is not very well-paid. → It’s not a very well-paid job.

1. The test was easy.

2. The smile was friendly.

3. This colour is most restful.

4. Is this statement true?

5. The meal was delicious.

6. This coin is worthless now.

7. The experiment has been successful.

8. The room is rather small.

9. The trip was dangerous.

10. The view is breath-taking.

11. The game was fantastic.

12. The meeting was boring.

13. The explanation is confusing.

14. The place was frightful.

15. The suggestion is good.

· SO versus SUCH

Use SUCH A in­stead of SO. Make all other necessary changes.

1. He is so rude!

2. You are so lucky!

3. The journey was so long!

4. The day was so tiring!

5. The job is so boring!

6. The bus was so crowded!

7. This student is so lazy!

8. The joke was so stupid!

9. The noise is so loud!

10. This sea is so polluted!

· Definite article

Complete the sentences using the ad­jectives from the list:

first, last, next, only, right, same, wrong.

1. He was the... survivor of the crash,.

2. They are the... people for the job.

3. Are you sure that was the... decision?

4. Neil Armstrong was the... man on the moon.

5. I'm afraid that was the... bus to Leeds today.

6. He is the... age as his wife.

7. Look at the tablecloth. Is that the... side?

8. Flying is the... way to travel!

9. I was the... person to recover.

10. What is the... point on the agenda?

11. Mother is obviously the... person to talk to about it.

12. What a surprise! You're the... person I expected to see here.

13. Аге they the... people we saw here last week?

14. I was the... person who called him Billie to his face.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 291 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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