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Make up sentences by matching their halves. Write out the sentences and translate them into Russian

1. There was no reaction 2. How much similarity is there 3. There are problems 4. There must be some solution 5. There are several differences 6. There's little contact 7. There's certain opposition 8. There're strong arguments 9. Is there any advantage 10. There's little hope 11. There's little agreement 12. Is there any reason 13. There are no signs 14. Is there any chance 15. There's no doubt a)about what to do. b)against smoking. c)of any change. d)for staying here longer? e)about the identity of the two signatures. f) to what I said. g)with cable television. h) to this problem. i) between teachers and parents. j) of borrowing your typewriter? k) between the two religions. 1) to our proposals. m) of finding some passengers alive. n) in doing this project first? o) between cricket and football.

Fill each gap with one of the prepositions.

above, across, against, along, at, beyond, near, over, on, upon

1. There is a ladder … the wall.

2. There was a bus waiting … traffic lights.

3. No walking … this point!

4. Look! There’s a kite right … our heads.

5. There is a footbridge … the river.

6. There were patches of yellow marigolds … the path.

7. There was a large block of council flats right … the road.

8. There was sweat … his forehead.

9. There were only trees and forests … both sides.

10. Is there anywhere … where I could get a cup of tea?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 408 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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