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You will hear a politician talking about the executive power in Great Britain and the USA. For questions 1-17, complete the notes below, using from one to three words

Presidents, prime ministers, premiers, chancellors, cabinet members, councilors,


and agency heads are

In the US the political head of the government and also the ceremonial head of


state is

The prime minister serves as the national political leader and a monarch serves


as the head of state in most

In France the president serves as head of state but also appoints a



A British prime minister is usually elected to Parliament from only one of more than


The American president is elected by a


The main political tasks of the British prime minister are the


of members of the Cabinet, the of parliamentary strategy,


and the of the loyalty of a majority of his legislative party.


The US president’s main concern is the of a majority in the electorate.

In the U.S. the president often appoints to Cabinet positions persons who have


had little in politics.

In the British system, Cabinet appointments are made to

the prime minister's personal power within the parliamentary party.


In the U.S. system a change in administration is accompanied by the

of a very large number of top government executives.


In Britain, when political control of the House of Commons changes, only the

are replaced.

Both offices in the United States and in Britain, have enlarged the scope of their


authority to restrain the of

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 386 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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