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Choose the best answer for each question

1. What is the main purpose of NRA News, according to the article?

A To oppose the Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry.

B To campaign for the right to own firearms.

C To fight for free speech.

2. How did the NRA get round the new laws curbing political campaigning?

A It used a satellite network.

B It used the first amendment.

C It started its own radio station.

3. What is the second amendment?

A The right to keep and carry firearms.

B The right to freedom of political expression.

C The right to oppose the government.

4. How do the NRA’s opponents interpret the second amendment?

A They say it only applies to the army.

B They use big media conglomerates.

C They say it is illegal.

5. What is a lobby group?

A A political group.

B A group that tries to influence politicians on a particular subject.

C A group that is only interested in one subject.

9. Work with a partner. Discuss the following questions:


You are going to listen to a part of a lecture devoted to the contrast of executive power in European countries and in the USA. Before listening try to guess the answers to the following questions. Work in pairs.

· Who are political executives?

· Who is considered to be a national executive in Great Britain and the USA?

· How can the mixed presidential–parliamentary system be described?

· Are the roles of the two chief executives in the USA and Gr. Britain different or identical?

· What does the job of the president or prime minister involve? What are their major tasks?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 454 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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