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Quarantine regulations in Netherlands and Belgian ports

For signals to be made at Vlissingen by vessels from a port declared contagious or infected and which are bound for either Belgian or Netherlands ports within Westerachelde.

At other Netherlands ports such vessels should show Flags TM International Code by day and two horizontally disposed white lights by night.

Netherlands regulations are based on the International Sanitary Conventions Regulations, but contain some additional infectious diseases.

The pilot on boarding will inform the Master of the Quarantine Regulations and requirements. Provided there are no diseases onboard the pilot will grant free pratique. Free pratique cannot be granted by radio, prior to arrival.

Sector light. The white sector, which is subject to change, of the light on No 11 Beacon (green triangle point up, wooden structure) at the NW end of E training wall, leads NW through Rye Bay. The light is difficult to identify against the background lighting in the harbor.

The track then leads through the harbor entrance and into Rye Harbour, passing (with position from the sector light):

NE of Western Arm (7cables SE) with a dolphin (red tripod, 9m in height), from which a light is exhibited, at its head, thence:

Between the E and W training walls (5 cables SE), forming the harbour entrance, which is initially 42 m wide but narrows to 30 m. Both training walls are covered at HW. The W training wall is about 7 cables in length and constructed of steel piling. It projects further seaward than the E training wall is marked by a light-beacon (starboard hand) and thence a number of beacons and light-beacons. It runs for 2 cables into East Pier, a stone and steel piled retaining wall marked by beacons (black triangle, point up). A road, which also covers at about half tide, runs along the top of the E training wall.

Caution. The E-going stream in Rye Bay, which forms the in-going stream into the harbor, produces an eddy NE of the W training wall which sets W to the head of East Pier before being diverted up river. It is prudent not to leave harbor at the strength of the in-going stream, but wait till it eases 1 hour before HW. The best time to enter harbor is 1 hour either side of HW.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What information must the Captain have before anchoring?

2. How many systems of buoyage are in force in our waters? Describe one of them.

3. What factors influence the duration and the rate of tidal streams?

4. What papers may the customs officer require?

5. What may a ship need if she becomes disabled at sea?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вы освобождаетесь от лоцманской проводки.

2. Красный постоянный огонь, показывающий воздушное препятствие, выставлен на верху, а другой - посередине белой круглой башни, расположенной около 10 кабельтовых к северо-востоку от острова А.

3. Побережье между М. и мысом В. окаймлено надводными и подводными скалами на расстоянии полумили от берега. Эти скалы приглубые.

4. Внутри гавани имеется якорное место, глубина которого 13м, грунт – песок с ракушкой.

5. Официальные лица, которые проверяют сведения о судне, требуют судовое свидетельство, мерительное свидетельство, свидетельство о грузовой марке и судовой журнал.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 173 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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