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Test paper

I. Rewrite and translate into Russian the following text. Get ready to comment on it.

1. Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots usually board vessels 1 mile N of Berry Head, weather permitting; the pilot station and the pilot vessels are equipped with VHF RT. ETA should be received at least 12 hours in advance, and confirmed by VHF RT 2 hours in advance. For details see Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume 6.

Deep-sea pilots can also be embarked from Brixham by prior arrangements with one of the various agencies. These pilots embark 15 miles NE of Berry Head, confirmation of the ETA should be made 6 hours in advance, direct to Brixham, and VHF contact should be established when 30 miles off.

2. The outer approaches to the Thames Estuary are straddled by a lane of narrow, dangerous shoals, known as the Outer Banks, which run 50 miles NNE from Tail of the Falls to an unnamed shoal whose N extremity (52” 06’N, 1” 59’E) lies 15 miles E of Orford Ness. There are a number of navigable channels through the shoals, the principal one being Falls Cap (51” 33’N, 1” 53’E), which is 8 miles wide and lies between South and North Falls. These channels and shoals are described in the outer passage directions.

There is an inner line of shoals, about 10 miles W of the outer line, which lie on the E edge of the shoals which encumber the estuary itself. The main ship channels lead between the latter shoals and are described from 11.37 to the end of the chapter.

3. Tidal Streams at the entrance to the E channel are shown by means of a ta­ble, on the chart. The streams run generally in the direction of the channel, and in the narrows, they attain a Spring rate of 1 knot, but less over the banks. During fresh­ets, the ebb stream runs for a longer period, and its rate increases to a maximum of 2 knots, with a corresponding reduction in the duration and rate of the flood stream.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What is the lateral system used for?

2. What can prevent a vessel from reaching the port in time?

3. What information does the captain require from the pilot before mooring?

4. What factors does the amount of cable to be used depend on?

5. What are light-vessels used for?

III. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Через 1 час Вас встретят два буксира вблизи маяка. - Какова мощность буксиров? - 800 л.с.

2. Заполнили ли Вы таможенную декларацию? -Да.

3. Суда, следующие с севера, должны пройти мыс Е. на расстоянии 3 мили.

4. Суда, заметившие навигационные опасности, должны предупредить все су­да по радио.

5. Ходовые огни - это 1-2 белых топовых огня, два бортовых огня, зелёный и красный, и белый гакабортный огонь.

IV. Rewrite and translate into Russian the following inscriptions on the chart.

1. Submarines exercise frequently both surfaced and dived in the area covered by this chart. A good lookout is to be kept for them when passing through these waters. See Annual Notice to Mariners No. 8.

2. Navigational marks: IALA Maritime Buoyage System - Region A (Red to port).

3. The lights on the fairway buoys are liable to be extinguished during the Tornado Season.

V. Translate the Russian part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite the
whole dialogue:

A.: C. Pilot Station. Говорит теплоход "North". Oscar Papa Hotel Hotel на канале 16. Приём.

В.: M/v "North". This is C. Pilot Station. Перейдите на канал 06. Over. A.: C.P.S. Говорит m/v "North". Agree. Канал 06. Приём. В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Как слышите? Over.

A.: C.P.S. This is m/v "North". Read хорошо. Over. В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Слышу вас хорошо. Приём. A.: C.P.S. This is m/v "North". Question. Обязательна ли лоцманская проводка для входа в порт и постановки на якорь к причалу? Over.

В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Ответ. Positive. Лоцманская проводка обяза­тельна. Приём.

A.: C.P.S. This is m/v "North". Roger. Лоцманская проводка обязательна. Ques­tion I. Где и когда лоцманский катер встретит нас? Вопрос П Какие приго­товления are we to make на борту нашего судна?

В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Ответ I. Лоцманский катер встретит вас, posi­tion NB buoy, время 17.00 GMT. Ответ П.Спустите pilot ladder с левого бор­та. Приём.

A.: C.P.S. This is m/v "North". Roger I. Лоцманский катер встретит нас, position NB buoy, время 17.00 GMT. Принято II. Мы спустим лоцманский трап с ле­вого борта. Over.

В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Readback правильно.

A.: C.P.S. Говорит m/v "North". Вопрос. Если у вас any berthing instructions для меня? Приём.

В.: M/v "North". Говорит C.P.S. Ответ negative. Инструкций по постановке к причалу нет. Nothing more. Конец связи.

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