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Grammar Exercises. Exercise 1. Which use is expressed in the following sentences: a) an activity happening now, b) an activity happening around now, c) a planned future

Exercise 1. Which use is expressed in the following sentences:

a) an activity happening now, b) an activity happening around now, c) a planned future arrangement.

1. It’s eight o’clock, Meg. Are you getting ready for school?

2. What time are Pat and Peter coming for dinner tonight?

3. I’m working hard these days.

4. «Where’s Jim?» – «He’s taking the dog out for a walk».

5. Why are you laughing?

6. «What are you doing after school?» – «I don’t know. Why?»

7. I’m learning French at night school.

8. Charles is taking psychology this semester.

9. What are you thinking about?

10. Look! The bus is stopping.

Exercise 2. Write in the «-ing» form of the following verbs.

e.g. read swim come – reading – swimming – coming
1. think 2. wait 3. rain 4. wear 5. shine 6. smoke 7. have 8. take 9. get 10. stop 11. run 12. begin

Exercise 3. Write what is true for you now, around now, or in the near future.

e.g. I/study – I/watch TV – I’m studying. I’m not watching TV.

1. I/ sit in class.

2. It/ rain.

3. The sun/ shine.

4. I/ wear jeans.

5. I/ go out tonight.

6. We/ have a holiday soon.

7. My parents/ work.

Exercise 4. Use the frame below to make sentences without changing the verb.

Alex I The children We Mr. Peters The Browns am working hard is looking at Sally are leaving is knitting are taking history is smoking now. right now. in a minute. this year this semester.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 886 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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