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«Bye-bye, Nancy»

Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy:   Harold. Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Good morning, Nancy. Oh, hello, Harold. How are you? Very well, thank you. How are you? Fine, thanks. What are you doing, Harold?
Vocabulary: There’s a bus coming. What time is it, please? It’s half past two. It’s a quarter to 12. It’s a quarter past 12.
Well, I am walking along the street at the moment.

Yes, I see. But where are you coming from?

I am coming from Downing Street. Where are you going?

I am going to the hospital.

To Charring Cross Hospital?

Yes. I must be there at half past 12.

What time is it now?

Listen. There’s Big Ben. Let’s count.

Yes, let’s.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. It’s twelve o’clock.

Are you going by bus, Nancy?

Yes. I am waiting for a number 24.

What are those people doing there?

They are standing at the bus stop.

Are they also waiting for a bus?

That’s right. Oh, there’s a bus coming already.

It’s a number 24. Is that your bus, Nancy?

Yes, it is. Bye, Harold.

Bye-bye, Nancy.

Conductor: Nancy: Conductor: Nancy: Hurry along, please. Is this bus going to Charring Cross Road, please? Yes, Miss. That’s right. Thank you.

Grammar Notes: Forms and Patterns.

1. The Present Continuous Tense

(a) Forms: am is are + verb + ing (present participle)
I am (I’m) eating you are (you’re) eating he/she/it is (he’s, she’s, it’s) eating we are (we’re) eating you are (you’re) eating they are (they’re) eating am I eating? are you eating? is he eating? are we eating? are you eating? are they eating? I am (I’m) not eating you are not (aren’t) eating she is not (isn’t) eating we are not (aren’t) eating you are not (aren’t) eating they are not (aren’t) eating

(b) We use the Present Continuous:

1. to express an activity happening now

e.g. They’re playing football in the garden now.

She can’t answer the phone because she’s washing her hair.

2. to express an activity happening around now, but perhaps not at the moment of speaking

e.g. She’s studying Maths at the University.

I’m reading a good book by Henry James.

3. to express a planned future arrangement

e.g. I’m meeting Miss Boyd at ten o’clock tomorrow.

He’s starting French lessons next week.

(ñ) We use the following time expressions with the Present Continuous:

1) at the/this moment at present now right now still 2) this week today 3) next week tomorrow

(d) Spelling of -ing forms:

Most verbs: work – working wait – waiting
Verbs ending in -e: take – taking come – coming
Verbs ending in one stressed vowel + one consonant get – getting sit – sitting
Verbs ending in -ie: lie – lying die – dying

(e) Types of questions:

This bus is going to Charring Cross Road. 1. Is this bus going to Charring Cross Road? 2. Is this bus going to Charring Cross Road or to Trafalgar Square? 3. Where is this bus going to? 4. This bus is going to Charring Cross Road, isn’t it? 5. What bus is going to Charring Cross Road?

2. Indefinite Pronouns some, any and no

(a) We usually use «some» in affirmative (‘yes’) sentences, and «any» in questions and negative (‘no’) sentences.

There’s some bread. I’ve got some eggs. Is there any bread? Have you got any eggs? There isn’t any bread. I haven’t got any eggs.

(b) «Some» in questions.

When we offer things or ask for things, we usually use «some» in questions.

  e.g. Would you like some coffee? Could you lend me some sugar?

(ñ) Compounds of «some», «any», «every» and «no» follow the same rules.

somebody something somewhere anybody anything anywhere everybody everything everywhere nobody nothing nowhere
  e.g. Somebody telephoned when you were out. Would you like something to drink? Have you got anything to read? Everybody is late.


Drill 1. I am writing...... typing.

· I am typing.

1. cooking 2. drawing 3. dancing 4. singing 5. reading 6. swimming 7. eating a banana 8. working in the garden 9. having dinner

Drill 2. We are reading...... dancing.

· We are dancing.

1. writing 2. working 3. speaking 4. talking 5. playing 6. running 7. swimming 8. jumping 9. watching TV 10. listening to music 11. travelling about Italy 12. travelling about France

Drill 3. He is writing. (reading)

· He is reading.

1. shaving 2. dancing 3. smoking 4. sleeping 5. speaking 6. working 7. smiling 8. translating 9. playing football 10. reading a magazine 11. washing his car 12. painting the kitchen
Drill 4. Are you reading? · Yes, I am. Is he reading? · Yes, he is.

1. Are you cooking?

2. Are you doing your homework?

3. Are you typing?

4. Are you playing the piano?

5. Are you washing your dog?

6. Are you learning English?

7. Are you speaking English?

8. Is Paul driving?

9. Is Nora standing?

10. Are you and your friends having an English class now?

11. Are the students listening?

12. Are they talking?

Drill 5. Are you going home? · No, I am not. Is he coming from Oxford Circus? · No, he is not.

1. Are you watching TV at the moment?

2. Are you playing volley-ball now?

3. Is Paul eating an apple?

4. Are you speaking Japanese?

5. Are they writing a test?

Drill 6. John is writing. Susan......

· Susan is not writing.

1. Mary is reading. Dick......

2. John is sitting. Nancy......

3. I am driving. She......

4. You are having breakfast. We......

5. They are working. You......

6. You are going home. He......

7. Bob is playing the guitar. Alice......

8. Steve and Phil are eating ice-cream. Peter....

9. John is thinking. I......

Drill 7. You are getting cold. She...

· She is getting cold.

1. They 2. It 3. We 4. He 5. I 6. Miss Fisher 7. The potatoes 8. Your dinner 9. This room 10. Shirley and I 11. The children 12. My fingers
Drill 8. He isn’t eating rice. We · We aren’t eating rice.
1. She 2. You 3. I 4. They 5. The Queen 6. Earl and I 7. The baby 8. The animals 9. Those guests 10. The Americans 11. The waiter 12. The children

Drill 9. I am speaking English...... you.....?

· Are you speaking English?

1. I am writing...... you.....?

2. Henry is reading...... Mary.....?

3. John is sitting...... Bob.....?

4. We are playing chess...... they.....?

5. They are cleaning the house...... you.....?

6. Alice and Kate are going home...... we.....?

7. Helen is cooking..... John.....?

8. I am speaking German...... Bob and Mary.....?

9. Bob and Mary are talking...... Bob and you.....?

10. You are asking the question...... he.....?

11. Mary is working...... I.....?

12. Roger is thinking...... Sue.....

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-02-18; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 361 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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